Chapter 11: Trees and Idiots

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Third POV

"What about this one?" Chandler shouted, hoping that Rob could hear him. The said man turned around and furiously shook his head, "How big you do think our apartment is? That isn't going to fit, dummy."

"Jeez, chill I was just asking......what a buzzkill...." Chandler said, grumbling the last part.

Christmas tree shopping was always Rob's least favorite part of Christmas, only because of how indecisive he is with it. For some reason, only when it comes to Christmas trees, is when he can't make up his mind. He doesn't want a super expensive one, but a tiny one would look sad.

"Keep looking! I'll be in the other isle." Rob informed his roommate, who nodded his head, understanding. The bronze haired man quickly dashed over to another row of trees, keeping his eyes peeled for the perfect one.

He was surprised when he realized just how many people were here, doing the same thing that he was. Usually there aren't this many, but for some reason today was an exception.

He started to get a tad annoyed when more and more people started to flow into the area, which slowly caused him to lose sight of where Chandler was. Chandler doesn't have his phone with him, which isn't good. He just has to pray that the crowd doesn't get too big.

His eyes scanned all of the green, but nothing caught his eye. All of them looked the same, so why couldn't he chose one? Just one?

The farther he went, the more the scent of pine and cinnamon invaded his nose, which gave him a headache. He trudged through it though, determined to find the perfect one.

He soon found it even more difficult to navigate through the shop, due to the amount of people he had to squeeze past. He started to hear commotion among the large group of people, his confusion growing.

He then realized how the majority of people in the shop weren't looking for trees, rather they were all looking at their phones, panicked and annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Attention shoppers, due to the seriously strong winds outside, we suggest you stay inside until they pass. Snow is blowing everywhere, making it very difficult to see. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Stay cozy!" The speakers said, groans and angry sounds went around the shop.

"Well that's just great...." Rob muttered, checking the time on his phone. It was late and he was starting to grow tired and he still hasn't found a good tree yet.

Rob eventually decided to give up and go look for Chandler, who was probably looking for him. Rob tried to push past the sea of bodies, but no one wanted to budge. He had no choice, but to stay put.

Out of no where, a forceful push knocked him to the ground. He groaned, feeling the pain from the impact. He was about to curse at whoever tripped him, but he was quickly stopped when he saw who it was.

"Oh, Kristen! Are you ok?" Rob's concerned voice rang through Kristen's ears. She looked up, eyes widening, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you up."

Kristen stood up slowly, pulling Rob up with her. She reached over and dusted some dirt off of Rob's jacket, earning a shy smile from the man.

"Are you here for a tree or cause of the weather?" Rob questioned the girl.

Kristen laughed, "I'm here for a tree, but we already bought one and we're about to head out until they told us we can't leave."

Rob quirked his head, "Were you running just now? Is that why you bumped into me?"

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