Chapter 19: Let's Wait

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Five days until Christmas

Third POV

"What's with this food? It's like it's literally made out of plastic!" Chandler complained, putting down his fork in disappointment.

"Bro, we're literally in first class, and it's probably the last time we're ever going to be in first class, so stop complaining." Rob groaned, slumping down in the really comfortable chair.

Nora and Kristen sat across from them, each doing their own thing. Nora was trying to take a nap, but the whiny Chandler noises are keeping her awake. Kristen was picking around at the airplane food, a gloomy cloud hung over her head.

All the while, Chandler continued to ramble about how the blanket was too big and how the seat was too squishy, which caused Rob to abruptly stand up, trying to hold back every muscle from bashing Chandler's face in.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Rob said with a strained voice, clear annoyance laced within it.

Chandler didn't stop talking, just turned towards Kristen and Nora instead. Rob threw his hands up in defeat, walking away as he held in his temper.

The line to the bathroom wasn't long, so Rob was able to finish his business quicker than he usually is able to on a plane. He quickly wiped his washed hands off on his pants, heading back to his seat reluctantly.

By then, Chandler's rambling had stopped, which resulted in a confused stare from Rob. The bronze haired man gazed at the group, realizing that there was a slight pout placed upon Chandler's sad face.

"What type of sorcery happened here to get him to shut up?" Rob questioned, pointing at Chandler with his thumb.

Kristen shrugged, "I just told him that if he doesn't shut his mouth up that I'll throw him out the airplane window myself, and if he doesn't believe me then he should just keep talking and see how much patience I actually have."

Awkward silence, mixed with a few coughs, came right after. Nobody dared to say anything, especially Chandler.

"Yeah, believe it or not, she hasn't changed since when we were kids." Nora joked, pulling her blanket up her body a bit more.

"I remember, you told me." Rob replied, recalling his moments with Nora on that rooftop.

"What are you two talking about?" Kristen pondered, clearly not familiar with the conversation.

"He asked me to tell my life story yesterday, so I did." Nora gestured with her hands, earning laughs from the group.

"So I'm guessing he knows about Caden?" Kristen continued carefully.

Nora nodded, Rob did too. Kristen gave Nora a confused stare, secret messages being sent between each other that Rob couldn't decode.

"Well, how much longer do we have until we arrive?" Kristen asked, causing everyone to pull out their phones to check.

"Four more hours, then we'll be in Cali." Nora sighed, that amount of time seeming like too much.

"Don't mind me, I'll just be sleeping till we get there then." Chandler announced, pulling his sleeping mask over his eyes as he got comfortable under his blanket.

"Oh, and one more thing, don't even think about throwing me out the window while I'm unconscious." Chandler pointed at everyone, but more specifically at Kristen.

"What a dork." Kristen scoffed, crossing her legs as she looked out the airplane window.

Nora and Rob let out a few chuckles, both amused at the way Kristen and Chandler were acting like siblings.

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