Chapter 10: Gifts of Meaning

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Third POV

The snow endlessly fell from the starry sky. Evidence of the holidays was strung all around the peaceful city. All the lights and decorations gave Rob such a joyous feel.

He rubbed his hands together as an attempt to warm them up, eyes wandering for a place he could find what he was looking for. It's a bit early, but it's better than later to do his holiday shopping. He's always too late and everything he wants to buy always sells out.

They've entered the second week of December (the beginning of this story starts in late November), meaning that Christmas is coming soon. December is definitely chillier than November, giving off more of a Christmas vibe.

He looked around the shopping strip for any shop that caught his interest; he wants to look for the twins's gifts first, but has no idea what he wants to gift them. He thought of going with a simple chocolate basket or flowers, but he wanted it to be more meaningful than that. The two of them have changed his life for the better; they even gave him some extra money to pay rent and buy more groceries.

He's so thankful for Kristen and Nora that he can't put it in words, so hopefully he can find something that will help him express his gratitude. His eyes landed on a tiny shop selling a variety of trinkets and gifts. He quickly rushed into the store, wanting to get away from the frozen outdoors.

The little shop was cozy and lit dimly with amber tinted lights. The only employee that Rob could see was at the cash register, quietly surfing through their phone.

"Oh, hi there!" They said, finally noticing Rob, "Anything I can help you with?" They spoke with a polite tone.

"Uhm, I'm just looking for a gift for my friend." The photographer said, awkwardly shuffling back and forth.

The cashier nodded, "Anything in particular though?"

"Hmm," Rob hummed, "Maybe jewelry?"

The cashier beckoned Rob over to him while rummaging through some boxes. They eventually found a box filled with various pieces of jewelry, all ranging from necklaces to rings.

Rob scanned through all of the options, but he didn't like any of them; none of them caught his eye. He shook his head, about to leave the shop before his eyes landed on a certain necklace.

It was made of silver with the most bright rhinestones imprinted into it. On the chain there was a little moon charm, sparkling beautifully under the lights of the shop. The way that it automatically reminded him of Kristen was undeniable. To him, Kristen was the moon because without her bright smile, he wouldn't feel as content or guided as he does now. That smile of hers gives Rob reassurance during times that he feels like giving up. It's perfect.

But, that was the only thing he could find that he really liked there. There wasn't anything that reminded him of Nora, not yet at least.

"This one, I want this one." He spoke confidently, handing the cashier the necklace. The cashier nodded, taking the necklace and scanning the price tag.

"That will be $125. Cash or credit?" Rob let out a whistle, not expecting it to be that expensive. Luckily, he's been saving up so he can afford to buy his loved ones things for Christmas, well loved ones as in Kristen, Nora, and Chandler.

He searched for his wallet, which was buried somewhere within the dozens of pockets he has. He paid with cash, watching as the cashier shoved the money into the register then proceeding to wrap the necklace. Rob thanked them, heading out of the shop.

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