A Festive Text!

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Hi! Welcome to the sequel, make sure to click on my profile and read the book before Lost because if you don't you won't understand a thing (If you haven't read it yet, click on my profile and click on the story Lost). If you enjoy my books please consider sharing them with friends!

(Ren's POV)

"DAMNIT NARUTO! WHY YA GOTTA BE SO STUPID!" I yell. I'm sitting on the couch watching anime, my dad snoring beside me, he's the hero Chargebolt, who recently made his debut. UA decided to send me home for the weekend to spend time with my completed family, I have a feeling Mom's gonna be less lonely now that Dad's back. Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate, it's my friend Asashi Ito texting me.

Asashi: Hey bro how's life?

Ren: Good, good, finally got to spend time with dad, he's cool, but he's also kinda lame. How bout u?

Asashi: Well, Suguha and Ryuji only tried to kill someone 5 times this week so that's a good sign

Ren: I think that's the least amount so far

Asashi: Oh yeh, teach wanted me to send this to you.


Ren: Cool, thanks.

I turn off my phone as Mom comes in. She's the Hearing Hero, Earphone Jack. "I thought I told you to turn off the TV" She scolds as she she shuts it off.

"NOO! I need to see Naruto kick Neji's ass! He just summoned his Nine-tails chakra!!!" I yell. Mom rolls her eyes, C'mon, dinner's ready," (Sorry if I just spoiled naruto for some of you) 

Mom wakes up dad by poking him with her earjacks. "Jamming-whey, get up," She orders. My dad grumbles as he gets up. "Hey, where'd the anime go?" He asks,

"I turned it off, c'mon, time to eat," She demands. Dad and I get up and walk to the dinner table.

(Timeskip cause I don't know what else to write)

I'm so bored. I think. I'm back on the couch now. Mom is checking something on her phone, probably something about hero business. That gives me an idea, Dad's been teaching me pickup lines for girls and I have the perfect one for mom. "Hey Mom, did you know that the world is flat?" I said. She gives me a horrified look. "It's because you're my world mom!" I put on the most innocent smile I can muster. Mom is furious. "I know where that's from," I hear her mutter. "DENKI GET OUT HERE NOW!!" she yells, stomping into their room. RIP Denki Kaminari. He's dead.

"Hey Kyo, is there something- OW OW OW!" Dad screams. A good 30 seconds of screaming and profuse apologizing later, mom drags him out. "Well?" She asks.

"I'm sorry for teaching bad pickup lines you should never use in girls..." He apologizes. Personally, I think the pickup lines are great, oh well.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I say, showing my parents my phone, on it are the attachments Asashi gave me. "I wanted to know more about the sports festival," I said, "What was it like?"

"Well..." Dad smiles, "I made it to the final round!" He states proudly. For a moment I think I actually have a pretty cool dad.

"Yes, but you were also beaten in less than 3 seconds," Mom smirks. Any hint of me thinking I have a cool dad has shattered.

"You're so lame dad," I say, walking back to my room. I should probably go to bed I have to go back to school tomorrow.


Mondays always drag, everyone still seems sleepy when they get to school. Well, other than Yuuki of course. When we get to class. Uraraka-sensei is already here. "I've told you all about the sports festival already," she says, "Usually, we do the sports festival first, then hero names, but this time, we'll do hero names first," She says. Everyone smiles. The first to present is Akio.

 "My name is Freezing Burn," He announces. 

"Nice!" Sensei smiles, "Who's next?" Suguha walks up.

"I'm Esper," She states proudly.

"Oooh, interesting, next!"

"Queen Riot!" Yuuki cheers.

"Marowak," Asashi smiles. (Yes, like the pokemon)

"Invisitail!" Mimi says.

"Lasso Strike," Akari says. Then it's Ryuji's turn.

"My name can only be this name... KING EXPLOSION MURDER!!" He yells.

"Are you sure," Suguha smirks, "Cause you spelt "muder" on the board"

"I MEANT MURDER DAMNIT" Ryuji yelled. The whole class started laughing except for Akio, who was an emo. But they all stopped once Ryuji let out a few small explosions. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT??!!!" Ryuji raged. Sensei immediately took action and made him float.

Soon, everyone had decided on a hero name, except for me. I walked up to the front of the class, and proudly announced my hero name, 


Suguha and Ryuji immediately start bursting out laughing. Sensei frowns. "This isn't a joke Ren, please think of another one," She says. I sigh.

"Sorry, I can't think of one yet,"

"That's fine, you'll have till the sports festival to think of one," She smiles patiently as I take my seat. "Jamming-Whey? Ren, I know you're dumb but I never knew you were that dumb," Asashi giggles. I shrug. I have until the sports festival to think of one, plenty of time. 

(Timeskip back to the dorms)

(Yuuki POV)

I'm looking into my ship book again, my mom will be expecting me to have some good ships in here. Let's see... I have MimiRen... and that's it. I need more. I run through the halls looking for anything JUICY. Nothing seems to be romantic, Ren, Akio and Asahi are playing smash bros in the common room, Sakura, are class mom, is helping Akari with math. Damn, maybe something tomorrow? Then I remember something that happened during Hero Training. I gasp. That is perfect, I have stumbled upon the most unlikely couple in the world, This will be fun.

DAMNIT! I just made two things wrong with my writing. 1: this chapter is less then 1000 words and i'm out of ideas for it (excluding author notes) and I THOUGHT AKARI WAS A BOYS NAME, (It's not) I'm so sorry if I confused anyone but can you guys forgive me and treat poor Akari as a boy? (Akari is the rope guy just so you know) Oh and I need more Japanese names (Make sure you tell the gender I don't wanna make the same mistake twice lol) cuz I'm not Japanese and I also need quirk ideas, I also need ideas for the cover pic of this story. You don't have to give me any though. Alright, love you all. Oh and spoiler, Ren's gonna learn a very cool new move next chapter. 


Lost - (KamiJirou NextGen) SEQUALWhere stories live. Discover now