Part 4

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Cristina wrapped the blanket around herself and Teddy, Teddy didn't care for the blanket, she just wanted her to feel better again, she whined just a little, so quiet Cristina almost didn't hear it.

"I know, just wait a second, we have to have the blanket first" she said so softly 

Cristina had an idea why Teddy had whined, but she continued to make sure that the blanket was covering the both of them. Once Cristina had finally finished she got comfy and her head was propped up against her hand leaning on her elbow. She wrapped her arm around Teddy and pulled her closer, Teddy found a comfortable position with her head in the crook of Cristina's neck. Once Teddy was nice and close, she let out a content sigh, she was happy. All her exhaustion had caught up to her and she was closing her eyes.

Cristina's heart burst at the sight of this, she again had no clue as to why, but she was also tired and she thought that was a thought for tomorrow. She could hear Teddy's snores and they sounded so freaking cute! As she was closing her eyes she felt something on her neck, she saw that the tip of Teddy's thumb was gently placed in her mouth, she was sucking her thumb?!  Cristina was also feeling her exhaustion get the best of her, she would discuss this with Teddy in the morning, Cristina had a lot to do tomorrow.

Cristina was awoken with quite a fright, she had heard someone crying, it was still dark out and it was still pouring, but now there was thunder and lightning. She was slowly remembering what had happened only a few hours ago, she could feel that Teddy was gone and now she had an idea as to who was crying. She got up and out of bed and looked around for Teddy, well actually she didn't have to go very far, Teddy was sitting on the ground in front of the bed. Cristina crouched in front of her

"Teddy, Teddy. It's ok, it's just thunder. You're ok" She tried to get her to calm down but she just wouldn't and she wouldn't answer her

Cristina didn't know what to do, so she did the first thing that came to mind, Cristina scooped Teddy up. Surprising the both of them, Teddy was surprised because she had never had anyone carry her like that, Cristina surprised at how light Teddy was. She wrapped Teddy's legs around her waist, and bouncing her around. Cristina didn't know why she was doing it but it just felt right, so she continued. 

Around 5 mins had passed of them continuing this, Teddy had calmed down now, her sobs turned into sniffles, hearing Teddy cry was sad enough to break Cristina's heart, actually not just break it, shatter it.  Since Teddy was ok now, Cristina had moved back into the bed.

"Teddy?" Cristina whispered into her ear

"yea?" was all she got in response, Teddy's voice was still quaking

Cristina has put Teddy down so that they could have a conversation, without realizing that Teddy was really enjoying being held like that.

"Are you ok? What happened?" 

"I'm ok, the thunder and lighting scared me" Teddy tried to keep in short, she just wanted to be held again, to be cuddled

"Are you sure? I was really worried, I didn't know why you were crying" Cristina said with her voice still sounding worried

"yea, I'm really ok Cristina, can we just go back to bed? Please?" Teddy still trying to get her to drop it

"Ok, if you're sure" Cristina wanted her to open up more but if that's all Teddy wanted to share, she couldn't force her.

Cristina was remaking the bed, because all the sheets had been tangled together, Teddy really wanted her to hurry so they could cuddle again. She whined softly again

"Hunny, just wait a second, I gotta do this so we can get back into bed." Cristina whispered without realizing she had called Teddy 'hunny'.

Teddy realized it and she didn't know why but she felt a sense of warmth in her body, she liked when Cristina used the pet name. Cristina finished and hopped into bed with a very eager Teddy right behind her. Once they had gotten all settled in again, Teddy had fallen asleep very quickly, she was really tired. With Teddy all snuggled up in Cristina's neck, she felt Teddy do the thing again, sucking her thumb fast asleep. 

Cristina had forgotten to ask her about it until it was happening again, she really didn't see anything wrong with it, she just wanted to ask her about it later. Before she could close her eyes she could hear Teddy make the sweetest suckling sounds, every now and then letting out content sighs.

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