Part 6

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Every night Cristina and Teddy would go to the on-call room together, every night they would kick off their shoes and get into bed together. Cristina would get in first and Teddy would be right after her, once Cristina got comfy Teddy would cuddle up nice and close and smell her vanilla perfume that she loved very much.

Cristina still called Teddy 'hunny', 'luv', and 'sweetie'. But only when they were alone of course. They had gotten very close, Teddy is looking 100x better. The bags under her eyes have almost vanished, and her eyes don't look so dull anymore, Cristina is the cause of this. She has brought Teddy so much joy and Teddy has brought Cristina even more joy. 

When Teddy is alone with Cristina she has become more innocent, she is acting younger than she is, and she doesn't mind because Cristina is looking after her. Teddy especially loves it when she wakes up to the scent of vanilla with Cristina humming to her and playing with her hair. Or when Teddy has had a hard day and Cristina will bounce her around while carrying her putting her to sleep. Teddy is actually surprised how much arm strength Cristina had to be able to carry her around like that but Cristina isn't, she is worried about Teddy's weight. 

Cristina was just as happy about treating Teddy like a baby as Teddy was, she loved being able to watch all the worry and stress melt away from her face when she rocked her to sleep. She loved getting into bed with Teddy at night and being able to cuddle her to her little heart's desire. 

One morning when Cristina woke up with Teddy in her arms sucking her thumb contently, she wanted to coo so badly but that would wake her up. When Teddy woke with her thumb in her mouth, with her bed head, Cristina decided that there was no cuter sight. 

Cristina went on her phone, she opened up Instagram and went to the explore section and there was a post where an adult was dressed as a child, as a baby. She looked at the hashtags and one was called ageplay, she had no clue as to what it was, so she looked it up.

"A form of roleplay in which the player deliberately acts an age different from their own (and usually younger)" She quietly whispered to herself, careful not to wake Teddy

Cristina was intrigued as to what it was and she returned to the post and saw another hashtag that caught her interest and that was MDLG. Again she had no clue as to what that meant, so she looked up that.

"The definition of MDLG, is mommy dom and little girl" Again whispering to herself

Cristina was searching the what the 'mommy dom' part of the relationship meant.

"A mommy dom is a caregiver/dominant that is considered a 'mother figure' to the little/submissive."

She saw another hashtag, saying 'little', she searched that up 

"A little is someone who sometimes feels they are in a mindset of a much younger them." or " A little is the more submissive or childlike half of a CGL relationship."

 All of this interested her. She looked down to still find Teddy sucking away, and snuggling further into Cristina's neck, and she slowly started to make a connection. 

'Teddy enjoys being taken care of as if she were a child, and sometimes a baby. She is snuggling into my neck and sucking her thumb right now, maybe she might know about this, or would want to know about it. I will talk to her about it tonight.' Cristina thought to herself

Cristina looked at the time, she was going to be late, and she still needed to wake Teddy. Crap!

"Teddy? Teddy, sweetie. We gotta wake up, or we're going to be late." She said in a playful voice playing with Teddy's hair.

All Cristina got in response was groaning, moaning, and a whole lot of whining.

"Hunny, pleaseee. Wake up, we're seriously going to be late" Cristina was sounding more desperate

Still no answer, so Cristina started giving Teddy little pecks all over her face, laughing away while doing it, she could see Teddy trying to contain her smile and giggles that were trying to escape. Teddy loved it , and Cristina had felt like she had been doing out of habit, like she had been doing every morning. Teddy's eyes started to open

"Good morning!" Teddy had said with a very big smile, Cristina had woken her up perfectly, starting her day off with lots of kisses from her favorite person.

"Good morning sunshine" Cristina said with a big smile of her own

"You should wake me up like that more often" Teddy was hoping that Cristina would say that she would, because Teddy would absolutely love that

"Hmm" Cristina looked as though she was deep in thought "I'll think about it"

Teddy put on her pouty face to try and get Cristina to agree to continue doing this, but she still didn't budge instead she giggled at her, Teddy didn't know why but she was actually worried that Cristina might say no to her.


Cristina couldn't believe it, Teddy actually thought that she wasn't going to say yes. Teddy got up and started to put her shoes on and fix her scrubs that she slept in. Teddy was genuinely upset, she didn't understand why Cristina had to think about it, she thought that Cristina enjoyed it as much as she did. She looked like Christmas had been cancelled for the next 10 years. Teddy kinda felt hurt because Cristina obviously didn't like doing it, she wanted to cry but she didn't want to upset Cristina anymore than she already had. She didn't know what she had done to make her not want to do it, but she couldn't come up with anything, and that upset her more.

Cristina was watching Teddy's every move and when Teddy glimpsed at Cristina, Teddy looked heart-broken, Cristina wanted to cry at the sight of her.

"Bunny... I was only joking, of course I would love to wake you up like that, with lots of kisses!" She said with a the best smile she could conjure up, Cristina was actually hurt that Teddy believed her, and thought that she wouldn't give her kisses every morning.

 Teddy turned around and saw Cristina smiling at her, Teddy was excited about how she was going to get to wake up like that every morning. She gave Cristina a hug, while giving her the hug Cristina picked Teddy up under the armpits and wrapped her legs around her waist, while Teddy was being carried she decided to give Cristina some kisses of her own all over her face.

When Cristina treated Teddy like this, and when she enjoyed being treated like that, Cristina could make a connection with Teddy being a 'little'. Cristina actually wouldn't mind being a 'mommy dom' towards Teddy, she would really enjoy it, and it would just be doing more things to take care of Teddy.

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