vi. Those Dreams

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     THERE'S THREE THINGS that Delia's concluded from her first weeks at Hogwarts. Firstly, she doubts that any of the Gryffindors will ever tolerate her — whether she tries to get them to or not (not that she wants to anyways). The feud is a lot bigger and stronger than she initially thought. But not that it matters to her anyways, she's got everything she needs in Slytherin house with all her friends.

Secondly, magic is fairly easy — (for her at least. It's fun seeing other people struggle with something that comes so easily to her.)

And thirdly Moody is insane. Of course, she's been thinking this for a while now. Especially since after that first encounter she had with him after their first class. Ugh, she still gets chills thinking about it. And her friends are all too aware of her distaste for the man. But right now the thought is firmly planting itself in her mind and making a home there because he's lost it.

Because seriously. The Imperius Curse? One of the three Unforgivable Curses? The ones that get you thrown into Azkaban? Delia doesn't know about everyone else, but she's more than content living her life not being locked up in a prison guarded by soul-sucking demons, thank you very much.

     "But — you said it's illegal, Professor," Hermione says, her voice quivering. "You said — to use it against another human was—"

     "Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like. If you'd rather learn the hard way — when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely — fine by me. You're excused. Off you go," says Moody, pointing towards the door.

Like, what kind of complete sicko would want to cast the Imperius Curse on children? Not to mention — it's highly illegal. Delia sits near the back of the classroom beside Pansy and Theodore as she watches Moody call up kids one by one to have the curse performed on them. She's decided to sit as far in the back as she can for this class. Whereas in the other ones, she sits towards the middle-front with Pansy or Theodore. Delia watches as the one named Longbottom completes a backflip.

"Thorne," says Moody. Her head perks up at the mention of her name. "It's your turn."

Delia looks to Pansy who's sat next to her, and then she turns to Theodore who's sat beside Blaise across the room from her. They both look like they want to speak up and say something, but they don't. Probably afraid of being turned into a ferret, Delia figures. Which, is completely valid. She's not angry with them. She'd probably stay quiet if one of her friends was called up too.

Pansy gives her a "You've got this," squeeze on the arm, while Theodore gives her a small smile. Delia sighs and walks to the front of the classroom, a metre away from Moody's desk. She plays nervously with her bracelet as Moody raises his wand and shouts, "Imperio!"

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