x. Sour Diesel

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"WHEN THE AUDIENCE has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag, from which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face!" says Bagman, grinning ear to ear. He holds up a bag of purple silk and waves it triumphantly in front of the champions. "There are different — er — varieties, you see. And I have to tell you something else too... ah, yes... your task is to collect the golden egg!"

It's almost funny. Bagman's sad attempt to conceal what's in the bag. Looking around at Harry, Cedric, and Fleur, it's almost obvious that they all know what's in the bag. Viktor Krum's a bit harder to decipher, though. He has a good poker face. Delia keeps her poker face on, as she twiddles with her bracelet when she realises — shit. She should've taken off her bracelet when she had the chance. Given it to Pansy for safekeeping or something.

     So, the task is what she thought it would be. Well, not the golden egg part — but, she knew that she'd have to try and get something away from the dragon. The only tricky part is not getting burnt to a crisp. Thankfully, she's worn her dirty trainers. This'll be easy. She can do this. She's got this.

     Delia stands off to a corner of the tent. Listening for the chattering and footsteps of people, meaning she's only one step closer to doing this. She's actually doing this. She wonders what her parents will think.

The butterflies still in her stomach from today morning, make her wonder if it's possible to just chop off her stomach and wander off to do the challenge without a torso. Just her chest and everything above, plus her legs. Her friends had tried their best to calm her nerves, and Delia's grateful for that, but they've been wizards for all their lives. She hasn't even been one for a year!

Her finger brushes over the engraved letter on her bracelet and she feels a sense of calm amongst all the nerves. Because even if she's only been a witch for a couple of months, Delia's smart, resourceful, and cunning. Even before she knew she was a witch — Delia's known that she's a problem solver. She knows how to handle herself. She's her parents daughter and she can do this. She can do this.

She and her friends had stayed up almost all night going over all the different species of dragons and their weakest points. She even skipped a couple of classes yesterday to prepare for the task with Daphne. The two of them casting spells back and forth until they both couldn't stand upright anymore.

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