Chapter 2 ~ The Realization

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~Makoto's POV~

I struggle to open my eyes. I don't understand why they were closed in the first place. I don't remember going to sleep. Actually, come to think of it, I can't remember much. I remember who I am and my family, but that's about it. 

I finally manage to open my eyes enough to see the people looking over me. It's my mom dad and sister. They have relived expressions on their faces. I attempt to make a confused expression, but am overwhelmed with pain before I can. I don't show it though. Mainly because I'm unable to. 

I can't see much of the room I'm in, but it seems to be a hospital room. I can only recognize it because everyone knows what they look like. But I wonder what happened for me to end up here. My parents single in who I can only assume to be a nurse. A few minutes pass and I'm sitting up, thanks to the nurse. The pain has also weakened so I'm able to talk now.

Makoto: What.. happened?

Nurse: You were in a bad car accident a few months ago. Around 4-5 months ago. You've been in a coma ever since.

"Car accident? Coma? How come I don't remember?"

I decide to ask the nurse that question.

Makoto: Car accident? I don't remember that. Come to think of it I can barely remember anything from the past few years.

Nurse: You and your friend have a mild case of amnesia, but it's nothing permeant. You'll both regain these memories over time.

Makoto: My... friend? Who are you talking about?

Nurse: Oh you must not fully remember her yet. Her name is Kyoko Kirigiri. Ring a bell?

Makoto: Kyoko... Kirigiri..? That name seems familiar...

Nurse: You'll remember soon enough.

After about 1 week, I'm discharged from the hospital. I was told that Kyoko girl is also being discharged today. I haven't been able to meet her yet, but now would be an inappropriate time. I was told that she's my classmate at school, so I'll see her then. That's in about another week. I'm staying home a bit longer to recover enough to start moving around again without help.

When that week is over, I finally return to school. Apparently, I attend Hope's Peak Academy, an elite school for gifted students, as the Ultimate Lucky Student. The only reason I'm here is because I won a contest, or so I'm told. 

I'm near the classroom I'm supposed to go to, when I see a familiar looking girl. I walk up to her.

Makoto: Excuse me, do I know you?

???: I don't think so, but you look very familiar.

Makoto: What's your name? It might ring a bell for me.

???: Kyoko Kirigiri.

Makoto: I knew it! You're the girl I was told to look for!

Kyoko: Are you the guy that was in the crash with me?

Makoto: I guess so, yeah!

Kyoko: Well then, wanna walk into class together Makoto?

Makoto: Sure.

I don't question how she knows my name. She was probably told by hospital staff as well. 

We arrive at the classroom. I reach for the door but stop. I'm nervous. These are people who all know me and are my friends, and to me, they're total strangers... but I forget about that long enough to open the door. 

When I opened it, I saw something I never expected to see. I know these people are our friends, but I never expected this! They threw a welcome back party! I guess they missed us. As soon as I open the door, they yell 

"Welcome back!" 

It feels nice. To know that these people cared about me and were worried about me and are glad to see me back. It's nice having people care about you...


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading once again. This chapter is way longer than the first one, actually it's over double! I know I literally just posted chapter 1, but I couldn't help myself. I love to write! So expect daily updates I guess! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

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