Chapter 3 ~ The Party

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~Kyoko's POV~

It was a nice surprise. Even though I have no idea who they are, it was still nice. I decide to learn names. 

I walk up to a brown haired girl, with a ponytail that shouldn't be possible, a red track jacket, blue shorts, and tanned skin.

Girl 1: Hey, Kyoko! I'm glad you're back!

Kyoko: Oh hi... uhhhhhh...

Girl 1: C'mon Kyoko! Stop joking around! You know me!

Kyoko: Actually, I don't. I can't remember any of you. Neither can Makoto.

Girl 1: Y-You're.. joking. Right?

Kyoko: I'm sorry I just have no idea. We got a mild case of amnesia from the crash. Makoto and I don't even remember each other. The only reason I know his name is because hospital staff told me.

She looks shocked, and starts crying after a few seconds of me finishing.

Girl 1: T-That's *sob* a-awful Kyoko! I-I *sob* can't i-imagine l-losing *sob* the m-memories of a-all *sob* the p-people i-in your *sob* life f-from just 1 a-accident!

She struggles to talk between her weeps. Everyone takes notice of her sobbing and come over to us.

Guy 1: The hell'd ya do to her?

 A tough guy with a hazel hair yells at me.

Kyoko: I didn't say anything that wasn't true.

Girl 2: S-So you were bullying her?

 A timid girl with messy brownish hair is next to talk.

Kyoko: No, I was stating what happened to us in the crash.

Makoto: You already told her? I was thinking we could do it in front of everyone.

Girl 3: W-What? What h-happened?

An annoyed girl with brownish purple hair and stutter pops into the conversation. For some reason when I see her, I can't help but feel annoyed at her but also bad for her. 

"What exactly is my relationship with this girl?"

I decide to not stress over it. That would end up being a good decision in the long run. 

Kyoko: We have no idea who you guys are.

Makoto: You just said it like that?!

Kyoko: There's no point in keeping them in suspense.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Kyoko: We have a mild case of amnesia. Not much is gone, and it's nothing permanent.

Everyone starts asking questions all at once. I'm calm about it, since this is normal for me, but Makoto is another story. He looks stressed, like he's about to snap. I guess he can't handle too many questions. 


And then it happens.



They all looked shocked. I guess he's never done that in front of them before. He does looks like a very calm and collected boy, like me, but everyone can snap. He starts to talk again.

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