Chapter 11 ~ The Day Of Lies

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~Makoto's POV~

I was terrified. I kept screaming her name, begging her to stay awake. But she didn't listen. She closed her eyes, and I was terrified she was never going to open them again. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed the numbers 9-1-1. Within a few minutes, EMTS were at my dorm, and half the school was awake. They swiftly carried Kyoko away on a stretcher. I begged them to let me come, but everyone refused me. By the time there were gone, I was left sitting in the corner of the room, crying my eyes out. 

The rest of the class were standing out there, just silently watching. When the EMTS were gone, a few of them walked into my room. Some stood outside, while others went back to bed. The ones that came into my room tried to say some comforting things, but I kept crying my eyes out. 

I don't want Kyoko to be dead! She's the love of my life! Nothing anyone says could make me feel better until I know she's okay.

I eventually fell asleep. My dorm room was left open, and someone must've noticed me sleeping against the wall, because when I woke up, I was in my bed. 

I woke up slowly. Then I remembered the night prior. I started to tear up again. I then notice something on the ground. It was a note. It read:

Dear Mr. Naegi.

Kyoko Kirigiri will be just fine.

Just a small stab wound in her left shoulder.

She will be returning on Monday.

Also, we found this note outside the scene of the crime.

It seems to be directed towards Ms. Kirigiri.

Please read it over.


Hope's Peak Academy Staff.

I feel a wave of relief wash over me. I thank whatever god out there who was looking over me, but then I realized it was probably my luck. It seems like every time something bad happens, something good happens in return. Almost like an apology. I then decide to read the not attached. I have a feeling that it won't be good news again...

Consider this a warning, Kirigiri.

Stop getting in my way.

You know too much.

You need to stop.

This is my revenge.

You won't be able to stop me.

She will get into that school.

Even if I have to kill every other student there.

If you continue to interfere with my plans,

Naegi gets hurt.

You wouldn't want that now would you?

And, if you continue to interfere even after that,

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