Chapter 10 ~ The Bad, The Awful, And The Horrible.

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~Kyoko's POV~

I was still reeling from what I discovered yesterday. I can't believe someone like Makoto could ever hurt himself like that. I was the last to arrive at class. I didn't have much motivation for today. I noticed that Makoto wasn't here. I was honestly a little scared, but I know he won't do anything after I yelled at him last night. 

I silently sat in my seat, praying that he's just skipping class today.

Chihiro: Has anyone seen Makoto today? Normally he's one of the first ones here...

Taka: Come to think of it, no. I have not.

Toko: H-He's probably j-just jacking off

Hina: Ewwww! That's gross Toko! 

Sakura: I have to admit, I am a little worried.

Mondo: I hope the little dude ain't dead.

Chihiro: I don't want another classmate dead!

Kyoko: I don't think he'll be coming out of his room today. These murders have really gotten to him.

Hina: 'These murders'? Don't you mean 'This murder'?

Kyoko: Ah, it seems I've forgotten to tell you. Sayaka's death was a murder. When I told Makoto, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

I put everyone into shock. No one talked for the rest of the class. Even if they were called on, they didn't respond. 

During lunch, I decided to check on Makoto.

I went to his dorm and knocked on the door.

*Knock knock knock*

Kyoko: Makoto? Are you in here?

I heard some sniffling on the other side. After a few seconds, it stopped, and the door opened.

I could barely recognize him. He looked like a mess. His eyes were really red, and his cheeks were stained with tears. It was obvious he's been crying all day.

Kyoko: ...Hey...

Makoto: ...H-Hey...

Kyoko: Can I come in?

Makoto: ...S-S-Sure...

God I hated hearing him like this. He struggled to talk between sobbing breaths, and his voice cracked so easily. I felt so bad.

I went into the room. He closed the door behind me. I sat down on the bed and he joined me. 

He grabbed his pillow and hugged it tightly. Every time he did something like that, my heart hurt.

Kyoko: How are you doing?

Makoto: ...A-Awful...

Kyoko: I can tell.

He struggled to hide his tears. I didn't want him to feel like he had to hide his tears from me.

Kyoko: You don't have to hide your tears from me Makoto. You can let your tears out in front of me. I don't mind.

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