Chapter 15 ~ The Last 3 Deaths

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~Makoto's POV~

I couldn't believe it. Hifumi's murder had happened just opposite of where we were sitting. And yet, none of us could stop it. 

Kat: I can't believe him! He'd risk getting caught just to get his way! He knew we were up here and yet he still lured someone up here to kill them! I cannot believe I call this man father!

Makoto: ...

Kat: Makoto? You okay?

Makoto: Damnit!

I punched my legs. Hard. I could've stopped it! I sensed something was wrong over there yet I was selfish! My legs gave out from the punch.

Kyoko: Makoto! 

Makoto: I'm okay...

Kyoko: Don't do that! You scared me!

Makoto: Sorry...

Kat: Grrrrr... He's horrible! Not only is he killing innocent people, but he's making them hurt each other!

We were all furious. We decided to go back inside to tell everyone else. Kat came with us. I knew everyone would question her. When we walked into the classroom, we started to explain. But then, the lights went out. We tried to leave, but the doors were locked. 

Suddenly, Celeste screamed, and we heard a loud thud.

And then...

The world went bright... 

With flames...

Right where Celeste had fallen...

Makoto: CELESTE!

Hina: *screaming*

Toko: S-So h-h-h-hottt...

Byakuya: What's going on here?!

Kyoko: Everyone! Grab your water bottles and dump them! You can fill them up at the sink!

So we did as Kyoko said. We managed to put out the fire, but it was too late.

Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler, was dead.

Makoto: We... were too late?..

Kat: That... That... MANIC!

Makoto: Huh?!


Makoto: C-Calm down!

Kat: I-I need to l-leave...

And with that, she stormed out of the room. By now, he's unlocked the doors.

Toko: W-Woah... a-angry much? She d-didn't even k-know t-the girl...

Kyoko: It's not because Celeste is dead. Its because her father is the murderer.

Hina: WHAT?!

Kyoko: Yes. And before you say anything about the police, that is still not a option. Most of the force is looking for him, and he'd kill all the remaining officers before they can even take a step towards him.

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