Chapter 13 ~ The Victim's Point Of View

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~Makoto's POV~

20 minutes ago...

I decided to turn in early. I was a bit scared, considering Kyoko never got the secret murderer's warning. I was scared about what would happen, but it was for the best. I stayed awake. I couldn't sleep because of nervousness. I decided to go wash my face. I didn't know that would be the worst decision I would ever make. 

I looked up, and in the mirror, I saw a mysterious figure. I turned around. It was a masked person. When I turned around, they pulled out a knife. 

Before I had any time to react, the knife was already in my stomach. They swiftly left my room, closing doors as they left. 

I fell on the ground. My strength was quickly leaving me. I tried to crawl over to the door, but I struggled. I could barely moved a muscle. I clutched my stab wound, and used my other hand to slowly try to crawl to the door.

Suddenly, I heard knocking on the door, and someone called out to me. They must've made their way into my room, because I then heard them knocking on the bathroom door. They called out to me again, and I recognized the voice. It was Kyoko's! I tried calling out to her, but nothing came out. I reached for the door, but she got there first.

She flung the door open, and a face of shocked came over her. She started to panic. She helped me with sitting against the wall, then bolted out of the room. I assume she called 911. She then came back to stay with me and to make sure I was okay and still breathing. It was getting harder and harder for me to keep my eyes open, and everything was becoming blurry. I told Kyoko that I loved her, and she started to cry. I reached over to wipe away her tears, but got blood on her face instead. Then, the paramedics arrived. The last thing I remember was being brought inside the hospital, and then I passed out.















I awoke to a familiar scene. It was the hospital, again. But this time, I remembered everything. My parents were replaced by Kyoko. She was looking over me, worried. When she saw my open eyes, I saw a wave of relief wash over her face. 

Kyoko: Thank god you're okay.

Makoto: ...heh heh... G-Guess I'm g-good at surviving t-these things, h-huh?

Kyoko: Yes, I suppose you are.

I struggled to talk. My body hurt like hell. After a while of silence, Kyoko started to cry softly.

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