Chapter 6 ~ The Question

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~Makoto's POV~

It was the next day. My arms still hurt a lot, thanks to Genocide Jack. I was told that means she thinks I'm cute, but I don't really see that as a compliment.

During my time with my amnesia, I've noticed that all my emotions have stayed to same towards people. Like when I'm around Sayaka, I feel really happy. When I'm around Byakuya, I feel really annoyed. And when I'm around Kyoko, I can't help but to feel like I'm the luckiest guy alive. I think... no I was in love with her. And I still am.

"Maybe I should ask her out?"

I think that would be the best option because not only do I feel overwhelmed by her presence, but I've also felt... how do I put this?.. Unsatisfied. Maybe if we start going out, then I'll finally be satisfied.

(Angelica starts singing in the distance)

I think this is my best option. But I'm a really awkward guy, so this might not go according to plan. I decide to ask her before school starts. And with that, I make my way to class.

I arrive at class. Kyoko is the only one there. I lock the doors so no one can witness me getting rejected. Everyone would tease me for the rest of my life.

Makoto: Kyoko! I need to talk to you.

Kyoko: What do you need to talk about?

Makoto: Kyoko, I don't know if you feel the same... no , I doubt you feel the same, but whenever I'm around you, my face gets red hot. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I was in love with you before the crash.

Kyoko: Makoto, I do feel the same way, but...

There's always a but.

Makoto: You can't be with me, right?

Kyoko: No, it's not that. I just think it's too soon. We still barely remember each other, so rushing into a relationship now would be a bad idea. I think we should wait a bit longer.

Makoto: I knew I would get rejected.

Kyoko: This isn't rejection, Makoto. More like asking you to wait a bit longer, okay?

Makoto: Okay, I will. I just couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.

Kyoko: Neither could I.

We hold each other's hands. It's a beautiful moment. But that moment was interrupted quickly.


Hina: Hey Makoto! Kyoko! I see you in there so open up!

Kyoko: ...

Makoto: Heh heh...

I unlock the door. I never told Kyoko about me locking the door. She looks upset, but I just laugh it off. Eventually, she does too.

One by one, our classmates enter the classroom. Except...

Sayaka isn't here.

She's always the first one here...

Makoto: Oh god. Please no.

I start to panic. I overhear Celeste say that she already checked Sayaka's dorm, but she wasn't there.

I bolt out of the classroom.

Kyoko: Where are you going Makoto?! Class is about to start!

I ignore her. My gut is telling me something horrible has happened. I can't ignore that. Sayaka's my friend!

I check every empty room.


We aren't allowed up on the higher floors, unless it's for the nurses office, so she has to be down here. We also aren't allowed outside before and during class, so she has to be inside.

After no luck, I reach the last classroom.

Makoto: Please god, let her be in here...

I gently open the door...



Sorry if it seems like I rushed this. It actually took a full day to write. Also cliffhanger!!! Sorry there's gonna be tons of these. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

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