Chapter 7 ~ The Beginning Of The End

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~Makoto's POV~

I found her. But my gut was right. There, hanging in front of me, was Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation, dead. It seemed like suicide.

I couldn't hold back my screams. I screamed as hard as I could. I stood there, staring, until my legs gave out

I fell to my knees. I couldn't hold back tears.

Sayaka was dead.

Nothing I could do would bring her back.

Someone pushed her over the edge.

She had been acting different lately.

I knew something was wrong.

Why didn't I talk to her?

I could've saved her.

It's my fault she's dead.






I feel something hit my face. 

I snapped back to reality. 

My face started to sting.

Standing there, was Kyoko, hand in front of me.

Kyoko: Makoto...

Makoto: K-Kyoko?...

Kyoko: Are you okay? You seemed really out of it.

Makoto: I... I... 

Kyoko: Makoto?

I try to talk, but am overwhelmed with tears before I can. Kyoko looks surprised. She takes me into her arms. Her arms always seemed cold, but they're warm. I fall into her embrace. We sit there like this for what seems like forever. It's nice. Better than that cold, dark world I was stuck in earlier. 

I feel like I'm annoying her, but when I look up at her, I see that she's softly crying too.  I can't blame her. Actually, I blame myself. If I had talked to her, we wouldn't be here. 

Makoto: ...I'm s-sorry...

Kyoko: What are you sorry for?

Makoto I... I-I could've p-prevented this. B-But I w-was selfish...

Kyoko: It's not your fault Makoto. No one could've prevented this. I'm having a hard time believing it was suicide...

Makoto: W-What?

Kyoko: I'm not 100% sure, but Sayaka didn't really strike me as the suicidal type. So I don't think she did it.

Makoto: ...

I can't believe this. Sayaka is dead. Kyoko is saying that she was murdered? I need to process this...




Will avenge her.


The snake is gone! Just kidding. I love Sayaka and hate to see her go. But she had to die. Also did you get the DDLC reference in the last chapter? Makoto gently opened the door and his childhood best friend was dead! I actually added that in the re-edited version but who cares? Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, share, and comment!  

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