Chapter 5 ~ The Fight

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~Kyoko's POV~

So we're doing this. Makoto and I are fighting Junko Enoshima. Again.

Junko took advantage of the news, and she corrupted our classmates with despair. We've already tried bringing hope to them, but it's no use. We can't bring them to hope without defeating despair. This seems so familiar though... but who cares.

This is for the sake of my friends. Even though they are complete strangers to me, I just feel like I have to protect them...

Makoto: Come out of hiding, Junko!

???: I should've made you die in that crash.

A mysterious yet familiar voice replies. She has a serious tone.

A figure then jumps down from the roof.

Junko: But then again, having you guys defeat me for a second time will bring me the worst despair!

"Now she's talking in a cutesy voice? Never mind that I need answers."

Kyoko: Wait... what do you mean by 'I should've made you die in that crash'?

Junko: Oh yeah. I totally planned that whole crash to bring despair to your friends. And it totally worked!

"Now she's using her real voice. For someone so awful, she has a beautiful voice. But now's not to time to be losing focus."

Makoto: You what?!

Kyoko: You should've expected this Makoto. She is the Ultimate Despair after all.

Makoto: Y-Yeah, but I didn't expect her to use physical pain to bring emotional pain to others!

Junko: We will do anything to bring despair to others.

"Now she's talking in a British accent? This girl confuses me, and I'm a detective!"

Junko: Anyways let's get straight to the point. You came here for another hope vs despair battle didn't you?

Kyoko: What did you expect?

Junko: Well I wassssss gonna accept your challenge, but I'm really bored and we already did this once before so how about I cure them of despair and we pretend that you guys defeated me okayyy?

Kyoko: Uh... what?

Junko: You heard me. Now shoo.

We head back to the classroom. Everyone looks way happier.

Hina: Oh there you guys are! We saw you earlier but we were too upset to say anything! What happened

Kyoko: Just a little run in with Junko...

Sayaka: Junko?! Wait, you guys remember her?

Makoto: How could we not?

Toko: It's only n-natural that y-you would remember her M-Makoto.

Makoto: Why?!

Toko: H-Her huge boobs, o-of course. T-That's why you h-have no idea w-who I a-am.

Toko tries to make Makoto hate her, but it backfires.

Makoto: Well then how does Kyoko remember her?

Toko: T-That's not the p-point. I k-know you're a s-sick p-pervert!

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