Chapter 9 ~ The Discovery

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~Makoto's POV~

I couldn't believe it. Another one of my classmates has been murdered. I don't know who is doing this, or why, but I can't let all of them die!

"Why is this happening to us"

"Why our class?"

"What did we do?"

"Why must I go through this?"

These are all questions I don't have the answers to. Eventually, word got out that Leon was dead. We were all heartbroken. I may not have known him that much, but I knew he was a kindhearted man. He didn't deserve this, and neither did Sayaka. We've only lost 2 people and I already can't take this anymore.

I'm sitting at my desk. I'm just staring. Nothing but a wide-eyed stare. I block out everyone's voices. I don't care about what they're saying anymore. All I want is for things to be normal again. 

I want my friends back.

I struggle to hold back tears. My eyes start to burn, and I give in. Tears spill down my face. I bury my head into my arms so no one can see my weeps. But I honestly don't care if they see. I don't care about anything anymore. All I care about is finding the culprit. 

I feel someone tap my shoulder and call my name.


I look at who it is. It's Kyoko.

Makoto: ...What?..

Kyoko: Are you okay?

Makoto: ...What does it look like?..

Kyoko: You look awful.

Makoto: ...I know...

Kyoko: Hey. Don't beat yourself up over this. It's not your fault.

Makoto: ...I know...It's just...I can't believe someone other than Junko could ever do this...

Kyoko: I feel the same. I can't believe someone could be so evil. But I promise I will bring this killer to light. Even if it costs me my life.

Makoto: ...

Kyoko: You should probably lay down for a bit. Give yourself some alone time.

Makoto: ...Yeah...Good idea...I'm just gonna get a drink from the cafeteria first...

Kyoko: Do whatever you want. Just be careful. I don't want you becoming the next victim.

Makoto: ...I will be...

And with that, I leave the classroom and head to the cafeteria. Except I wasn't getting a drink. I was actually getting a knife. I know it's rash, but it was the heat of the moment. Besides the pain feels good. 

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