Chapter 16 ~ The Revolution

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(A/N Please play the song provided right after you read the line ~No one's POV~ Thank you!)

~Kyoko's POV~

Makoto and I both mentally agreed that it's time to take a stand against Satsujin. This has gone on long enough. 

"We need to come up with a plan..."

But I have none. I don't know what he's like. I go over to tell Makoto something.

Kyoko: We need to go find Kat.

Makoto: Yeah. She can help us come up with and execute a plan. 

Kyoko: Exactly. We need her on our side.

Makoto: I thought she was on our side.

Kyoko: I think she got a little mad at us for not trying to save Hifumi and Celeste. She probably doesn't trust that we can stop him since we weren't able to before.

Makoto: Ah, that makes sense.

And so we set out to find Kat...















~Kat's POV~

I was go as far away as I could from that school. I didn't want to be near that lunatic. He was there, so I didn't want to be. But there's no point in running. He'll find me anyways. But, if I run, I can never stop him.

And then, I suddenly stop.

People are looking for me.

And it's not him.

Don't question how I know.

I have supernatural senses.

I can smell blood from miles away, I know when people are looking for me, and I have amazing vison and hearing.

I figure out who's looking for me.

It's Kyoko and Makoto.

"Huh... should I go? I'm still a bit upset that they didn't do anything to help... but they had no idea what was happening. I should help them."

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