Chapter 1

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Bella's POV-
"I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home" I think to myself as I stand outside of my home soaking up all the nutrients from the sun that I lacked.
"I would miss Phoenix, I'd miss the heat, I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother." My mom talks to me making sure this is what I wanted to do. I know she wants the best for me but I also know she wants to travel some. "Ok" she whispers.
".....and her new husband." "Guys come on I love you both but we have a plane to catch." Phil yells as we finish up our conversation. We head to the car and buckle in.
But they want to go on the road so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad and this will be a good thing.....I think"
We drive to the airport in silence. Nobody speaks a word, which is ok with me. I was never one to really keep a conversation going. One of the many things I lack in doing.
We finally arrive at the airport. Phil grabs my luggage and I carry my cactus. As we start to walk into the airport I almost trip over my feet at least five times. I was such a klutz, anybody with eyes could tell.
My plane gets called. I say goodbye to my mom and Phil. Of course my mom was crying, her baby was leaving the nest. Phil tries to comfort her as I walk away. I find my seat which is next to a single mother and her baby.
She shoots me a sympathetic look while her baby keeps crying. It finally stops when the plane takes off, you'd think that would make them scream bloody murder. Apparently not in this case.
Four hours go by and we finally arrive to Seattle's airport. The landing is bumpy waking everybody's slumber. Something I wish I had.
I stand up and try to walk in the aisle, determined to get off this claustrophobic plane. I finally get in line but not without getting pushed in other people.
I mumble a apology to the man in front of me "sorry" he just glares at me and continues. I shrug it off.
I head to the luggage carousel to grab my bags. I then head to find Charlie.
I see him at the gate with a paper sign in his hand that says my name in all capital letters. It couldn't get anymore embarrassing than this or can it?
He finally spots me in the crowd and smiles and waves awkwardly. I walk up to him and give him a side hug. He smells like pinesol and wood. I remembered he cleans almost everything with pinesol.
"Hey Bells" he whispers still hugging me only slightly tighter. "Hey Dad" I respond. He grabs my bags and we head to the car. O my god, not the police car i mentally groan but get in.
In the state of Washington under a constant cover of clouds and rain there's a small town named Forks, population 3,120 people. This is where I'm moving.
My dad's Charlie he's the chief of police.
We pass wood sculptures of bears and very few people. So much wood. All of the people look at the semi-flashy car.
"You're hair's longer" Charlie states the obvious, he's awkward like me but he tries to break the ice anyway. "Hm, I cut it since last time I saw you" I say barely above a whisper. "O.... guess it grew out again" he says before we pull up to the house.
The same house him and Mom use to live in.
I use to spend two weeks here almost every summer but it's been years.
Charlie and I grabs my bags and head inside. We head upstairs, I go first.
"Cleared some shelves off in the bathroom" He says. Oh right one bathroom.
We then walk into my room. It still has some of my old art work hanging in the walls. "It's a pretty good work lamp, the sales lady picked out the uh bed stuff, you like you like purple right?" He stutters. I nod "purple's cool....thanks." He looks around the room probably thinking of something to say. "Ok"
One of the best things about Charlie is he doesn't hover
I sit on the bed for a minute trying to process everything. Until I hear a honk outside of my window. I look through my window to see a big faded truck and a boy with long black hair and a older man in a wheelchair. I decide to go outside with Charlie.
"Bella you remember Billy Black?" Charlie says as he leans against the truck. "Hey, yea you're lookin good" I respond "well I'm still dancin" he replies, slightly smiling from his since of humor. "I'm glad you're finally here Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since he told me you were comin" Billy says trying to embarrass Charlie.
Charlie rolls his eyes obviously trying to brush it off while the boy with long hair laughs as well as Billy. "All right keep exaggerating and I'll roll you in the mud" he snickers before walking away. Not long before Billy says "after I ram you in the ankles, yea bring it" while they play fight.
The boy walks to my side and says "hi I'm- I'm Jacob" "yea, yea" I reply not really tempering him. "We uh we use to make mud pies when we were little" he snickers. "Right yea, no I remember" I mumble as he laughs at my awkwardness.
I look at Billy and my dad then back at Jacob and say "are they always like this?" I question out of genuine curiosity, trying to understand what I've got myself into. "'s getting worse with old age" he says trying to contain his laughter.
I hear Charlie approach so I turn to look at him just as he pats the truck. "So what do ya think?" Charlie asks like I'm supposed to know what he's talking about. "What?" "Your homecoming present" he says calmly.
"This?" I point to the truck as I try not to get my hopes up. "Just bought it off Billy here" "yup" Billy croaks. "I totally rebuilt the engine" Jacob says proudly.
I jitter with excitement. My didn't get me a car in Phoenix. She thought I wasn't ready to take on such a responsibility yet.
"Oh come on, oh my gosh this- this is perfect you've gotta be joking" I say as I open the door and accidentally hit Jacob. "Sorry" I mummer and continue to get into the car.
Jacob gets in after me in the passenger side and tells me what to do. "Um, well you've gotta double pump the clutch when you shift but besides that you should be good" "that's this one?" I question. "Yea, yea right there" he assured me.
"Do you wanna ride to school or something?" I ask hopeful that he goes to the school I'm supposed to go to tomorrow. "uh, I go to school on reservation" he admits sadly.
"Oh right that too bad it would've even nice to know one person" I mummer.

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