Mysterious People

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I love my parents, they are all I need. They are kind, caring and funny people. I need no one else but them, I would definitely say, I know they have secrets. I just don't know what they are, I don't have many friends. It's mainly because everyone thinks I'm weird like my parents. See my parents are a bit mysterious, they act oddly and other people don't like odd. I don't blame them for not having many friends, I could care less honestly.

My only friends are Phillip Rose and Oakley Mabel, I've known them for a few years and they care for me. Also people think I'm weird on my own account, I am a sucker for Victorian history, I have my nose in a book on the history 24/7. I also read other books, mainly fantasy and classics. It was a nice day, it wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. It was a Saturday afternoon, I was at the park with Phillip and Oakley. We were having a picnic and laughing our heads off. I saw an ice-cream truck parked in the carpark. I grinned and stood up quickly.

"Ice-cream anyone?" I said getting some money from my wallet.

"Hell yeah!" Phillip exclaimed, I giggled and then looked at Oakley. She nodded with a smile and handed me some money. As did Phillip, I knew their favourite flavours off by heart. I jogged over to the van and smiled at the man working there.

"Could I please have one mint chocolate, one rocky road and cookies and cream. Please and thank you." I said handing him the money, he nodded and placed the money in the register and then gave me the three ice cream cones. I thanked him and started walking back to the others. I handed Oakley her cookies and cream then handed Phillip his rocky road. I sat down and started to lick my ice-cream.

"Thank you, Everleigh." I nodded with a grin as we continued our conversation on going back to school for the week.

"Don't we have like different schools coming all this week?" Oakley asked, Phillip chuckled and I snorted at how ridiculous her memory is.

"Yes, Oak. You're the one that helped organise it." I said and she made an 'o' shape with her mouth before slowly nodding. Phillip hugged her and we continued to laugh.

"Don't judge me, when I'm out of that place all that information I learnt disappears." I nodded my head, agreeing with her words.

"I can relate to that." Phillip said, Oakley gave him a look and rolled her eyes.

"You only agree with that because you think I'm cute." Oakley teased, Phillip had panic in his eyes for a moment but it disappeared quickly.

"Well there's that, but it is relatable." He said pulling her in for a side hug.

"Sure." Oakley said and we both started laughing again. As we finished our ice-creams, we decided to go for a walk. I smiled as the wind blew my hair behind my head, it was nice to see the happy families, friends and couples enjoying their time on this gorgeous day.

"We'll be friends always, right?" Oakley suddenly blurted out, I looked at her confused and nodded with a smile.

"Of course! Why would you speak such nonsense!" I exclaimed and gave her a hug, Phillip joined in and we just stood there for a moment hugging.

"We will always be friends, no matter what. I promise you." Phillip said and swiped away some of her tears. I knew how Oakley felt, the fear of losing your friends. I fear it everyday, Oakley nodded and sniffled giving us both a sad smile.

"Come on, we'll have some more fun." Phillip said taking both of our hands and we started running towards the swings. I laughed and ran to one and started swinging as did the others. It was getting late so we went seperate ways. I walked inside the house and smiled at my parents.

"Have fun today sweetie?" Mum asked, I giggled and nodded with a smile.

"It was quite good, how was your day?" I asked and saw dad walking out from the garage.

"Eventful, I did some things for work and your father was working on the car all day." I playfully rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch.

"Sounds good." I said and grabbed my book that was sitting on the coffee table. I continued reading, It was about the corsets that women had to wear. I don't think I'd like to wear one, I know they did cause a lot of problems for them.

As time passed, I had dinner with the family, showered in my bathroom and then wore my really comfy pjs. I was listening to music, humming quietly as I started to daydream. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said while sitting up, mum walked in and I gave a a quiet hello.

"Your father and I will be busy tomorrow. Do you mind if you stay here?" She asked giving my hand a light squeeze. I nodded, giving her a smile.

"Of course, I don't mind!" I don't know what she was thinking, I will do it no problem.

"I love you, sleep well and I'll talk to you later." She hugged me and I smiled hugging her back.

"Love you too, mum." She grinned and walked out closing the door. I laid down and closed my eyes falling asleep.

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