Tea and talks

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The next day Tewksbury and I had breakfast at the local tea shop. There were odd sounds coming from upstairs but I ignored the sound easily. We had gone back to the lodging and Tewksbury was looking through the flower book. Smiling widely each time he turned the page, I giggled at him and then found something that I was looking for. 

"I think I got something!" I exclaimed, Tewksbury was at my side instantly and looked at the words. 

"Lime House Lane? I've never been there." He said confused, I smiled and shrugged then closed the book. 

"It says there is a part that the box is missing. Apparently, every time the box is used for time travel it loses a piece and you need to find that piece to go back to the time. you are originally from." I explained what I had read, he nodded and then sat down on my bed facing me as I was in the chair. 

"Tell me what it's like where you are from." He smiled and I nodded sitting back. 

"The clothing is different, for illnesses in these times we have cures for probably most of them. Women do not need to act proper, both women and men can work in most of the same fields of job." 

"So a woman can fight in war?" He asked and I nodded. 

"What about you, what do you mostly do?" He asked curiously. 

"I read, write stories, I hang out with my friends." He nodded and then smiled. 

"What are they like?"

"They are amazing, they are really all I have and I feel like I actually know them. Phillip and Oakley, they have always been there for me and I don't know what they think I am doing at the moment. I don't even know what my parents are doing, Oakley and Phillip are in love with each other but neither one knows it." I explained rambling on, Tewksbury just watched with a smile and chuckled lightly. 

"They seem like amazing people, I wish I could see the world you live in." He sighed and I frowned slightly. 

"What else do you have?" He asked and I pushed the frown aside and nodded.

"Instead of travelling around in carriages and horses we have cars. They aren't what they look like now, they're more advanced than now. We also have phones you can take photos with." His eyes widened and he smiled widely. 

"That's incredible!" He exclaimed and I giggled nodding. 

"I might go fetch us some things from the store, I'll also have a look at Lime House Lane." I said standing up and placed my shoes on. I had found a dress in the trunk, it was a darkish pink and there were also some shoes. Tewksbury nodded and walked out with me, he was going to start working where he has always wanted to work and that was with the flowers. 

"Be safe." He said to me before we went seperate ways. I had a basket, that I would put the food in. I gathered some bread, fruit and some things to place on the bread. I then decided to walk down Lime House Lane, it was a bit dark and very few people. I saw something on the ground and picked it up, it was Enola's blade. I placed it in the basket and then walked to a door with a engraving on it. The same engraving was in the notebook, I walked inside the building and saw a bunch of boxes and workbenches. I walked over to one and saw a few books stacked on top of each other with a ribbon holding them together. 

They looked very similar to the other notebook I already had, so I placed it in the basket and then walked around. I saw no other clues and decided to head back to the lodging. I felt myself being grabbed from behind and my head being submerged under water. I had swallowed some water from a shocked muffled screamed and started coughing. 

My head was taken out and I spat the water out coughing some more. 

"Where is the marquess!" A man yelled in my ear, I winced and turned my head to see It was the bowler hat man. 

"I don't know! Please, let me go!" I begged, I wouldn't tell him where Tewksbury was to save myself because I care for him and I would risk my life for him. He growled and threw me down to the ground, I whimpered and kicked my shoes off and stood up. 

"Will you be smart enough to tell me the truth? Or will you be like the other girl?" He asked and hissed his words out. I placed my hands into fists and held them in front of my chest and punched him in the face. But he grabbed my arm, threw me over his shoulder and In painfully landed on my back and onto the ground and he kicked my stomach. I groaned and grabbed his cane from by his feet and hit him in the groin. He groaned and fell to the ground, I took this as my chance to get away. 

I rolled away and grabbed the basket, then ran off. I took a much longer way to the lodging, just in case he was following me. But he wasn't, I walked inside the building and up to the room. I entered and saw Tewksbury pacing around the room. His head shot to me and he ran over 

"What happened?" He asked and held my face in his hands. I winced and he placed me on the bed then grabbed a bowl and rag. He filed the bowl with water and then walked back to me. He gently dabbed the wet rag on one of my face wounds and cleaned the blood away. He cleaned the rest of my wounds and then told me to change but of course he turned around. 

"You are all good." I whispered as I sat down on my bed, he turned to face me and sat down next to me. 

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