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I spent a day or two in the hospital, recovering from the night at the manor. Tewksbury's grandmother got what she deserved, as I was in the hospital only Enola was there. Tewksbury had to go back to his 'normal' life and I was missing him. He and Enola changed my life in so many different ways. I knew I had fallen for the Viscount of Basilweather and I hated that I did, because I knew that once I were to leave, I probably would never see him again. I would also miss Enola, she is such an amazing person and she will definitely do great things. I was currently in my room at the Ritz and looked at the two flowers I was planning to give to Tewksbury. I had the box ready on my bed and the piece on the bed. I wanted to go home, but at the same time I didn't. Even though there has certainly been horrible things, there was also quite amazing things and I wanted to hold onto those forever.

 I grabbed the flowers, dusted myself off, placing my boots on and walked out of the room. I closed the door and started heading to the streets, trying to remember my way to the House of Lords. I saw the big metal gates and walked over, I smiled as I saw Tewksbury in a fancy suit and a hat in his hands. I giggled to myself quietly, finding it hard to picture him wearing it. He looked around and his eyes landed on me, he smiled brightly and I returned the favour. He walked to the gate, standing in front of me. 

"Everleigh." He whispered and I smiled at him softly. 

"Tewks." I whispered back. 

"You look fancy." I stated and he chucked nodding. 

"You look pretty." He complimented and I blushed softly. 

"Thank you." He nodded and I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and looked up at him. 

"How are you? Are you safe? Coping with everything" I asked putting back what I was going to say for a few minutes. 

"I'm alright, I'm managing. Mother, won't stop fussing and I'll be here helping with the votes and the bills." I nodded and looked at the flowers I was holding. One pink carnation to say unforgettable and a red tulip to say 'I love you.'  I handed him the flowers and continued to look him in the eye.

"These are for you, I'm leaving tonight and I wanted to say goodbye and that I'll miss you. So tomorrow morning, I will be back in my own time and I want to say I hope you live life to the fullest and I know you'll make great things happen." I told him, stuttering over my words and his eyes lost the joy and his face fell. I placed my hand on the bar and he placed his on top of mine. I could see his eyes welling up with tears and I felt my heart break. 

"Do you really have to go?" He asked his voice breaking and I sniffled feeling my own eyes well up with tears. 

"I am afraid so, I wish it were different. I really have enjoyed being around you and within your company." He grabbed my hand and brought my knuckles up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on them. I smiled sadly and told him to lean forward, I kissed his cheek and stepped back swiping away the tears. 

"Good luck Tewksbury, I will truely miss you." I looked at him one last time before I walked off, I finally let the tears fall. I walked to my room, gasping as I saw Enola. She smiled at me and gave me a hug. 

"Thought you'd leave without saying goodbye?" She asked and I shook my head with a sad smile. 

"Of course not." I said and she chuckled lightly before she sat on my bed. 

"When do you leave?" She asked and I sat down next to her. 

"Tonight, I've told Tewksbury before I came back here." I explained and she nodded. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope you get back to your time safely. I have quite enjoyed being with you and I'll never forget you." She smiled sadly and I hugged her again and took a shaky breath. 

"You'll do great things, I just know of it. Do not let anyone ever put you down Enola, you are such an amazing person and I am so sorry I have to leave." She let out a light chuckle and grinned. 

"Thank you. I really appreciate that and take care. " I nodded sniffling slightly. 

"I have to go, be safe and I hope you can get home safely." She went to the door and I spoke before she left. 

"Enola, take care of Tewksbury for me please." She nodded and smiled at me. 

"Of course." She smiled and walked out. A few hours later, I was preparing to leave and go back home. I had walked around the area taking in the the views one last time, I had some lunch at the tea shop and then decided to walk past the House of Lords. Hoping to see Tewksbury one last time, but he wasn't there. I sighed upset and disappointed, I saw Robert Croft, the man who told me to get on the train. 

"You're going home now, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded slightly, not bothering to speak as I knew I cry. 

"This is always the hardest bit, deciding whether or not you want to stay. Then leaving behind all this, it's hard and you will miss it but there will be more adventures and more fun." He explained and I shook my head disagreeing. 

"There would be no more adventures, none like this. I've gotten along better with the people here then back at home. I don't want to leave, but I know I have to and leave the friends I made behind." 

"You fell in love with the boy didn't you?" He asked and I nodded slightly. 

"Of course I did! I'm so stupid, what did I think was going to happen? I can't be with him and I want to be with him!" I exclaimed at him, the emotions dying to come you but I wouldn't let them. Robert looked at me with apologetic eyes and sighed. 

"I wish I could help you, but I can't. I'm sorry, I truely am." I nodded swiping away my tears and acted like I didn't just shout at him. 

"Thank you for your help, I mean it. But I best be off. Goodbye." I said and walked off, I walked to the lodging and sat on my bed. I looked at the necklace and the box, I placed it on my bedside table and then laid down. I stared at the roof and decided to take a nap.

Trapped in Time ~Viscount Tewksbury~Where stories live. Discover now