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Enola's POV

Three days had past and I had gone to the lodging Everleigh was staying at. I walked up the stairs to her room and knocked on the door. I waited for an answer but received none, I knocked on the door again and waited once more but still got no answer. I opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me. There was no sign of her, all her research things were gone. I saw a letter on the bed and grabbed it.

Dear Enola

I am sorry I am not there to help save Tewksbury, I was forced into a marriage with Lord Demetri of the Baneswell estate. I don't know what will happen, tell Tewksbury I kept his flower. I hope you find your mother and I hope you can help Tewksbury.


I folded the letter up and held onto it, I frowned and plopped down on the bed and reread the letter. All I could think was the poor girl, no one wants to be forced into a marriage. I stood up and closed the door behind me. I started heading to the flower store, I saw all the happy people and the children. I smirked as I saw Tewksbury working sweeping the ground and fixing up the flowers. 

"I want four yellow flowers, two blue and a red one. I don't care about the breed, any flower will do." he spun around and looked shocked at first but then smiled. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked 

"Why if you are passionate about flowers would you come to London?" I questioned. 

"Because I can get lost here." He answered. 

"Yet I found you." I smirked, he placed his broom down and then turned back to look at me.

"And why have you done so?" We shared a look, his smile dropped and he looked disgusted. 

"You're here for the money, they've offered an award." He stated the obvious. 

"Have they? I didn't know, well I must tie you up and claim you!" I teased grabbing onto his coat, he looked scared and worried. I giggled and stepped back from him, smiling. 

"Stars and garters, are you really so ridiculous? I've come here because, I've grown to like you more in your absence and because as it turns out, your life is still in danger." He smirked and turned to grab a flower. 

"What's made you like me more?" He smugly asked. 

"Really? That is your question? Not, who is trying to kill me?" He kept his smirk up ad handed me the flower. I took it, a small smile forming on my lips. We started heading off, the letter was still in my hand. I was trying to decide when to give him the letter to read. 

"I found your flower pressings, they were quite beautiful. I don't give a fig about flowers of course." I stated and placed the flower in a bucket as he caught up. 

"That's because you are ignorant." I scoffed and looked at him accusingly. 

"Ignorant? How dare you!" I was hurt by his words and continued to listen. 

"Ignorant and willfully so." He add on.

"You could change your mind about a boy." I implied to him, meaning him. 

"I'm not a boy, I'm a man." He fixed his coat and took a breath. 

"You're a man when I tell you you're a man." He chuckled at my words, another smirk forming. 

"You do look better in breeches, I'll give you that." I hit him, with an eye roll. 

"I've missed you Enola Holmes." 

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