Stupid Button

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As we tumbled down the hill, I let out a few exclaims of pain. Then I yelped as a small boulder stopped me from going any further. I hit it hard and with a lot of force, a few tears rolled down my cheeks and I let out a quiet sob. I rolled onto my back, looking up at the sky. I was in pain all over, I propped myself up by using my elbows and rested my back on the boulder. 

I touched my forearm where I felt pain as I was jumping and saw a cut wound. The bowler hat man must've cut me as I was jumping. My dress was torn, stained with blood in places and I had dirt all over my skin. I heard Tewksbury grunting as he furiously dusted himself off, if I weren't in intense pain I would laugh at how he is reacting. 

"You do make an awful lot of noise, don't you?" The girl asked, I watched the two bicker like an old married couple who don't get on.

"Turns out, being thrown off a train, hurts considerably more than you might think. And I've lost a button." He huffed and I rolled my eyes with a groan. 

"I'm sorry to hear about your button, I give my condolences. You have got to realise there's more important things than losing a button. For instance, some of us could be injured!" I exclaimed glaring at him, mainly because he was complaining over a bloody button!  I panicked and looked through my bag, making sure the box was okay and then sighed in relief that it was. I placed it back in my bag and then went to stand up but Tewksbury was by my side and looking at me. He made sure I didn't stand up and examined me closely. 

"You're bleeding." He whispered and grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it on my forehead. I winced at the stinging pain, with his other hands he wiped the few tears away. I sniffled and looked at him with a thankfulness. He looked at me apologetically, for inflicting pain upon me, then pulled the handkerchief away. He checked the wound, seeing if the bleeding had stopped and then placed it back on. 

He helped me up and I knew I had sprained my ankle, even before I placed pressure on it. He grabbed my hand gently and placed my hand on the handkerchief. I nodded at him and he looked at the other girl. He touched my arm gently and I hissed at the pain. 

I ripped my sleeve and before I could struggle with placing it on Tewksbury wrapped it around the arm wound. He smiled at me and I quietly thanked him. I turned to the girl and mouthed a thank you to her, for helping me escape. She just nodded and smiled slightly, I looked at Tewksbury and he followed after as she started walking off. I myself was limping behind, I could hear them bickering once more. But ignored it focusing on my own, current problems. 

"Look, I believe with our recent brush with death deserves me at least a name. From the both of you." Tewksbury said, looking back at me and then down at my foot to see me limping. He jogged over and placed my arm over his shoulders then wrapped his arm around my waist and started to help me walk along. 

"Enola Holmes." She said, I saw Tewksbury smile. As he begun questioning her.

"Like Sherlock Holmes?" He asked and I nodded to myself. Perhaps he is real and I am talking to his sister? 

"And I am undercover, so forget I told you that piece of information." She stated, I smiled starting to like her attitude. 

"Undercover, working for him?" He asked curiously, with a wider smile. 

"Undercover from him." Enola corrected. 

"Hence why you are dressed as a boy." She didn't even give him a moment to finish his sentence before she walked up to him and glared. 

"Hence why you are to say nothing... So?" She asked and I stepped to side, letting Tewksbury's arm fall at his side. His eyes trailed to with confusion as to why I walked away.

"What?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and held the handkerchief in my hand as the bleeding on my forehead had stopped. Enola looked shocked that he didn't know what she was going on about. 

"Thank you? You're supposed to say thank you." I agreed with her by nodding by head and he just looked so bloody confused. 

"For what?" He asked, Enola and I shared a look. I grumbled and walked past him.

"Men." I mumbled and Enola smiled at me and nodded. 

"So what is your name? Girl who is from not around here." Tewksbury called out from behind us, I smiled slightly and tugged my dress down for no particular reason.

"My name is Everleigh Hazel." I shouted back to him, I looked over my shoulder and saw him smiling to himself. I turned back around and continued walking, trying my best to ignore the limp in my walk. We were walking down the hill, I was thinking about the box and how to get back home. I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped out of my thoughts and turned to look at Tewksbury. 

"Are you alright Everleigh?" He gently asked, I nodded and then he looked at my hand to see I was clutching onto the bag. I realised I was and let go before looking back up at him. 

"What's in the bag that is so important?" He questioned and I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. 

"I am afraid it is hard to explain, Marquess." I apologised and he chuckled gently, I looked at him confused and he smiled at me. I smiled back, feeling a bit giddy though I didn't know why. 

"You do not have to go with any formalities. Just call me Tewksbury." He informed and I nodded smiling. 

"Alright then, Tewksbury." He nodded and then continued walking at my side. 

"How is your ankle?" His face twisted into concern and I slightly shrugged. 

"It hurts, but I'll survive." He nodded and I saw Enola look over her shoulder and then wave us over with an irritated look. I rolled my eyes and then started walking down the hill, Tewksbury was close to me seeming as if he didn't want to leave my side. I looked up at him, and felt my cheeks heating up. His face had a smugness covering it, but his eyes said something different. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure out what that something was.

The day turned into afternoon and the sun was starting to set. The air was starting to get cooler and I was getting tired and hungry. 

"We should think about sleeping soon." Enola yawned, while rubbing her eyes and spun around to face Tewksbury and I. 

"We should think about eating soon." Tewksbury matter of factly said, I quietly giggled and they both turned and looked at me. Tewksbury with a smirk and Enola with a light chuckle. 

"We have nothing to eat." Enola retorted.

"Of course we do! Arctium Lappa, which you'll know as Burdock. Very tasty. And then there's Trifolium. Clover. And is that...? Yes I knew it! Mushrooms! Agaricus. The princess, delicious. If you can get a fire started, I can make us a feast." I watched Tewksbury pick up different plants and herbs. He was truely interested by the plants and all the knowledge he has. 

"Fine." Enola mumbled, Tewksbury looked at me and I cracked a grin. 

"I'd be delighted, I can gather fire wood." He grinned back and nodded. 

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know?" He smirked at the both of us and we started to make everything. I went off and then came back with an armful of  wood. Tewksbury jumped up and thanked me as he took most of the wood out of my hands. I smiled and sat down taking my bag off my shoulder and placing it down by my side. Enola got the fire going and Tewksbury started making the food for all of us.

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