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Everleigh's POV

Tewksbury pushed me behind him, I didn't mind too much. I could care less at this point, I was in too much pain. I watched the look on his face change, he looked like a warrior and tried to hide his emotions. 

"Grandmother?" He asked, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at her as she spoke. 

"Yes, I'm afraid so. It seems if you want a job done, you have to do it yourself."  I went to move but Tewksbury stopped me and I looked up at him worried. I saw the gun on the ground and slowly started creeping to the side, going to make a dash before she could grab it. 

"Where's my mother?" Tewksbury calmly asked, she picked the rifle up and I felt a hand grab my arm. I looked to see Enola pulling me back. I looked at her like she was insane and she pulled me back a little bit more. 

"In London, with your uncle. Looking for you." She walked closer to us, I looked at Tewksbury then back at his grandmother. Enola continued to hold me back, looking hurt herself like it was painful to do what she was doing. 

"They never understood, I'm so sorry my darling. The future of the county is at state." She raised then gun and I watched the scene play out before me horrified. I heard the echoing of the gun being shot and the thud of Tewksbury's body. I screamed out in anguish, pushing myself out of Enola's arms and down to him. It felt like my entire world had been torn in half, like the only reason I was living was taken away. I felt the hot tears run down my face and the tight feeling in my throat. 

I hugged his body, sobbing as I did so. I could feel my tears soaking his coat and all sounds starting to fade out and disappear. 

"Please, wake up. You have to wake up, don't leave me. Please, we made it so far, you can't go like this. WAKE UP!" I screamed feeling sick to my stomach and rested my head on his chest and placed my hands in his. 

"Don't go, please don't go. I- can't live without you. Please.. don't go." I quietly whispered, my voice quavering, closing my eyes and took shaky breaths as I felt my lip quiver and my head spin. I felt movement and hands clasp around mine, I lifted my head a little bit to see Tewksbury raising his head and I let out a startled sound. 

"Tewksbury?" I whispered in disbelief, he sat up still holding my hands and I helped him sit up but he stopped me and grabbed my injured hand. He held it gently and then swiped away some of my tears. 

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know?" He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a piece of armour, I let out a sound of shock and joy .He smiled at me and tucked some hair behind my ear, he rest his hand on my cheek looking at me with an emotion I couldn't pick. 

"Why do you cry?" He whispered quietly, I sniffled and he wrapped both arms around me, hugging me gently and I wrapped my arms around him. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and smiled happily, he rubbed my back and I pulled away then stood up. I gave him my good hand to help him stand. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as I examined his face and then gently placed my hand on the side of his neck. He nodded and I heard another set of footsteps. I spun around and saw the girl who took the missing piece from me at the garden.

"Tewks, get Enola and yourself out of here-" I began but he cut me off quickly.

"No, we're staying, you are in no condition to be by yourself. You got hurt the most, please just let us stay." I nodded, knowing there was no point in arguing and started to limp over to her. Tewksbury was following me and stood at my side

"Hand over the piece." I ordered, seeing the piece hanging by a chain around her neck.

"I don't think I will." She smirked, twirling a piece of hair with her finger.

"Who are you?" I asked lowly and with a slight deadliness in my voice.

"My name is Jade, I'm your sister, yeah that's right. Mummy didn't want me, she never loved me and I want her dead! I want her to suffer, I want her to lose you like I lost her! She sent me here, then left! She betrayed me and I think it's time for me to go home." She screamed, I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth, but it seemed like it and I felt slightly sorry for her.

"How can I believe you?" I asked and she scoffed with a frown. 

"Why won't you believe me sister?" Enola threw a piece of a vase and it distracted her and I I went to grab the the chain as she wasn't looking. But she grabbed my wrist and smirked at me, twisting it and I started whimpering in my pain. Tewksbury went to tackle her but I put my arm in front of him, signalling to stop him. I stopped making whimpering sounds, looked down and saw she stabbed me with a dagger. I looked at her shocked and hissed in pain as she yanked it out.

"Everleigh!" Tewksbury shouted and caught me before I fell to the ground. He slowly crouched down and rested my head in his lap.

"Enola! Help! Please!" He pleaded and I felt a tear drop on my face, Enola ran over and ripped the trail of my dress and then looked at Tewksbury.

"I need you to turn away." She said and he nodded but didn't feel him move, I'm supposing he closed his eyes. Enola looked at me and ripped the dress were the wound was, she wrapped the piece of cloth around my waist securely and I looked up at Tewksbury. His eyes were closed and I placed my hand on his, he slowly opened them and I took a shaky breath. I stood up, fighting through the agonising pain I was going through and looked at Jade.

"Please, just give me the piece." I asked begging, to her and she rolled her eyes. 

"You have nothing there! I have everything! You have more of a life here!" She screamed and shoved me, I glared at her and felt my hand tighten into a fist. 

"Go then, leave. Live your life and take this." I said and handed her the bag. She smirked at me and ran off. 

"Everleigh, why would you do that?" Tewksbury asked me, I turned around to him and smiled cheekily. I held out the necklace and he grinned chuckling. 

"I placed part of a broken table in the bag, hope you don't mind." I explained and he shook his head still smiling. 

"Of course I don't mind." I giggled and walked to the armour I hid the box under and looked at it.  Glad it hadn't been damaged. 

Tewksbury placed the necklace around my neck and placed his hand on my cheek. I smiled softly at him and placed my hand on top of his. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, I looked away and then down.

"It's over now, the nightmare's gone." 

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