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I had decided to skip breakfast and look for a carriage immediately. I found one and hopped in, handing the man some money. I told them where to go and then just sat back and relaxed, once we got to the building I thanked the man and hopped out. I placed on a smile and started walking into the building. I looked around for the paintings and found all of them in their own little room. There were a few others in the room but not many, I smiled at the memories and looked down at the very bottom of one of the paintings. Then I looked to the one besides it and saw some words on that one too. I walked to the left as that was where the paintings started and looked at the first one.

"If one wants to find a way back home." I read on the first painting and then went to the next one.

"Then you must go to the manor."

"The manor that resigns in Basilweather."

"In the secret garden, a flower stands."

"The direction the flower points, shows a door."

"The door will hold a mirror room."

"In the centre will be what you desire." I read the words out quietly, not wanting anyone else to hear me. It came to me, that I will be going to Basilwether to get what I need. I took a shaky breath and continued looking at the other paintings. I stood in front of one, staring at the soft colours.

"Very lovely paintings, are they not?" I jumped a little bit and turned to the side and saw a man with a moustache, a cane and a hat.

"Yes, indeed they are." I said with a smile and bowed my head a little.

"Miss, I am sorry to disturb your day. But have you seen this girl anywhere?" He showed me a sketch that was of Enola, I made sure I made no reactions and looked back up at the man.

"I am afraid not sir." I apologised and he nodded irritation evident on his face.

"That is quite alright, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." He said, almost through gritted teeth.

"As to you, sir." I said and went to walk off.

"Miss, wait." I turned and looked at him, something in the way he looked had me confused.

"How old are you?" He questioned and I held my hands in front of me, holding my hands together.

"17." I answered.

"By the way you present yourself, I know you've been raised the proper way. The way a woman should be raised." I had to do so much to not lash out at him. I nodded and saw an evil smirk form on his face.


"Have your parents sent you off to marry?" He asked and I quickly came up with a lie.

"My parents sent me off to a finishing school, a wealthy man who has a seat in the House of Lords visited the school and decided he wanted me to be his bride." I lied, I was always good at lying. Mainly because I knew how to hide things and how to get away with it. He nodded and smiled.

"Enola would've done well with someone like you as a tutor." He said, but I think it was to himself.

"Excuse me sir, but I must be going. It was nice talking with you." I said and he nodded watching me walk off. I hurried for a carriage and asked to be taken to the tea house I was in a couple of days ago. The loud thuds from upstairs didn't make me jump anymore and I decided to have a look. I walked up the stairs and then opened the door, I smiled seeing women learning how to fight and defend themselves.

"You were here a couple of days ago, with that boy." A woman said, walking up to me and I nodded.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked.

"Are you Edith?" I asked kindly.

"Who wants to know?" She asked and I grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to her. She opened it and read over the words.

"Follow me." She said and I followed her into a small office.

"The box on the desk is for you. Take care miss." I nodded and thanked her. I picked up the small box and looked through it. It was only photos, a ring and a key. I held the box and walked out, I walked to my room and placed the box on my bed.
I looked at the photos and saw they were meant to be together as one big photo. So I placed them all on the ground and started putting them together.

I stood on the chair, so I could get a full view of the picture. It was a big building, it looked like mansion. I was confused to what it meant but it quickly left my head as I was startled by a loud knock on my door. I fell off the chair and landed on my bum, I groaned and stood up walking to the door. I opened it and saw Enola.

She smiled and allowed herself in, I closed the door and hugged her with a smile of my own.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and she looked at all the things I have collected.

"Obviously because I'm here to help you." She stated with an eye roll, I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Of course." She chuckled and I grinned.

"Where is Tewksbury?" She asked.

"I don't know, he left and he isn't where he was working the day before." I explained and she nodded.

"I'm on a quest to save you and Tewksbury. Both of your lives are in danger. So you'll accompany me to the Basilweather, I know there is something of yours there." I nodded and smiled.

"Let's begin with a plan."

Trapped in Time ~Viscount Tewksbury~Where stories live. Discover now