New Ways

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I hated having to be near Demetri, he is awfully cocky and highly annoying. It makes me wanna be sick at how much I hate his attitude. I kept acting like a 'lady' and acting like I was in love with him. It was hard to be honest and I learnt to get use to his disrespectful comments. I had my own room, which I was grateful for and stayed in there unless it was for meals or if I was meeting someone. 

"Everleigh, come forward. I want you to meet some good friends of mine." I nodded and smiled politely, walking forward and stood by his side. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I tried very hard not to flinch. I saw a middle aged man and woman.

"Rosa and John, this is my bride, Everleigh." They both nodded at me and I nodded back.

"It is lovely to meet you both." I politely said and Demetri turned to me. 

"You may go now." I nodded and walked to my room, I sat on the bed and looked at the flower, I twirled it around and smelt the beautiful scent. I sighed, wishing I could see Tewksbury again and that I could help Enola save him. 

I placed the flower back down on the bedside table and stared out the window. I saw a carriage coming and furrowed my eyebrows, I tugged on the sleeve of my dress, it was itchy and annoying too. The dress was white and had ruffles on the sleeves and a collar that went basically all the way up my throat. That also irritated me and I was constantly readjusting it. (The dress is the one on the cover)

I walked away from the window and grabbed my embroidery, I was being taught certain things that is typical for a woman in this time. At first I had pricked myself multiple times, but now I was good. It only took me a couple of hours to learn to do. My head snapped towards the door and I saw a different woman, she was old and didn't look to friendly. 

"Call me Miss Harrison, I will be assessing you on your behaviour. If you pass, you will stay here, if you fail you will be going to my school. Understood?" I nodded and stood up placing my embroidery down, she circled around me and I stood dead still. 

"Good posture, I see you embroider which is good. Your husband tells me you only speak when spoken to. He's been assessing you to, tells me you have passed all your tests. You'd do quite well as a wife and as a mother. I'll assess you again in a month, see if you've kept up with the proper ways and if you haven't I'll send you off to my school." I nodded and held back my tears, I didn't want to marry! I knew he was planning the wedding and I'm only seventeen! She walked out of my room and I dropped to my knees letting a sob escape my lips. 

I covered my mouth with my hand and started crying, I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks and drip onto the floorboards. Everything just came rushing to me, the full realisation and it sucked. 

After a while I had put myself together and was sitting in the chilly dinning room with Demetri. It was a long table, he was at one end and I was at the other. He finished his soup and then walked behind me, he placed his hand on my shoulders and I flinched in surprise and also it didn't feel right when he touched me. 

"Why do you flinch?" He asked, I looked up at him and saw a smirk on his lips, I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat and looked back at my bowl. 

A few hours later, I was locked in my room. Demetri was sending me off to a psychiatric hospital because he believes I am not normal. I was terrified because I knew they weren't a happy place in this time. I would finally face what I had always feared, the carriage arrived and I was hugging myself trying to comfort myself in anyway possible. 

Demetri entered my room and grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to the outside area. He smirked and then shoved me into the carriage and it started moving. I was sobbing quietly to myself and continued to have my arms wrapped around my body.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was lying on dirty rags on the cold stone ground. I sat up quickly, scared and ran to the rotten wood door. I began hitting it and trying to kick it down but it was no use. I exclaimed in annoyance and fear.

"Quiet down girl! Otherwise you'll be in here longer than you would want!" A gruff voice exclaimed at me, I bit back a shriek and cowered in the corner of my 'room.' I brought my knees up to my chest and continued to silently cry. 

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