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Tewksbury explained what happened, we were going to save Enola. He made me have the bed, while he slept on the ground. I felt rude and selfish but he told me I was all good and fine. That night I woke up from having nightmares, I looked around panting and with sweaty hands. I counted down from 100 and after that I felt somewhat calmer. 

"Everleigh? What's wrong?" Tewksbury gently asked, he sat up with a book in his hand. He was reading and had a candle at his side. I tried to speak but I knew that If I would I would cry and I didn't want to cry I felt ridiculous for crying especially over this. He sat down next to me and gently placed his hand on my cheek.

"I had a nightmare, it's nothing." I whispered, he looked at me with disbelief in his eyes and pulled me in for a hug. He rubbed my back gently and I felt safe in his arms and comfortable. 

"It is something, don't be ashamed or embarrassed. You've been through a lot and of course this would affect you. I'm here if you want to talk about it." I nodded and swiped away a single tear I could feel starting to roll down my cheek. He smiled sweetly and I sighed closing my eyes and looked at him. 

"I didn't like being near Demetri, he was horrible." I whispered, Tewksbury nodded and looked down ashamed.

"I know how awful he is, I've met him before. I'm so sorry, I wish I never left you otherwise this never would've happened." He looked up with his eyes watering and he spoke quietly.

"Would you like to sleep?" He asked, I nodded and he went to stand up but I quickly grabbed his hand and he looked at me confused.

"Could you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep please?" He nodded and laid down, he caressing my cheek gently. I smiled softly, loving the small action. He continued doing that while quietly humming a tune. I was starting to feel sleepy and relaxed, after a few more minutes I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up with the sun shining on my face, I groaned clenching my eyes shut and planted my face into the pillow. I heard quiet chuckling, I looked up and tiredly glared at him. 

"Sorry that there's no curtains, forgot to mention that." I rolled my eyes and sat up, I yawned and stood up to make the bed. I wasn't one to make a bed, but I felt it was only right especially with were I am. 

We had breakfast, then he let me change. I wore a comfy white dress that had a long trail, it was the only dress that was available. Apparently lots of clothes get left behind in this time. The dress was clean and looked almost new. I placed the box in my bag and a few other small things that could help. I opened the door, telling him that he can come in. His eyes widened and his cheeks were turning red and his lips turned into a smile. 

"You look gorgeous." I blushed myself and smiled. 

"Thank you," I said and smiled and  we swapped places and I waited outside of the room

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"Thank you," I said and smiled and  we swapped places and I waited outside of the room. After he finished we walked down the stairs and stole a basket for us to get in. We caught a carriage to the school and I helped him in. I got two men to take him up and I entered the building. I held my hands together and held a high posture. I had to make it seem like I was important and looked for Miss Harrison's office. 

"Girl! Who are you? Do you. have permission to be here? I demand to know!" I turned around to see a girl my age heading for me. I smiled politely, noticing how angry she looked. 

"I am the wife of Lord Demetri, I suppose you know who he is? Yes? I think it be best if you swipe that insulting look off your face." She looked shocked and immediately wiped them smug look off of her face quickly apologised and looked down ashamed. 

"Tell me, were is Miss Harrison's office?" I asked and she explained to me and I thanked her before walking off. I walked in and looked around, I looked at the photos. I sat down on the chair and rested my feet on the desk. I smirked and grabbed the newspaper, I read it and heard the door opening. I stayed how I was and saw two girls enter, they paid no attention to me and walked out quickly. Enola got out and I smiled, she turned around and her face lit up. 

"No time for reunions, best be if we escape first." She nodded and I pointed to the window, it wasn't a far way down and we could both get out safely. She jumped out first and then I did, I pointed to Tewksbury and we ran over to him then started running over to the car. 

It was squishy, but we some how managed to fit. Tewksbury in the middle, I was on his right and Enola was driving. I was holding on for dear life, hoping I wouldn't fall off. 

"Thank you, both of you. You both saved me,  I appreciate it." I smiled at her and Tewksbury nodded. 

"I didn't like it in there." She frowned and I looked down understanding. 

"No, of course not. Now, let's get back to London and find a proper hiding place." Enola slowly stopped the car and we both looked at her confused. There was two ways we could end up going and I wanted to know what was going through her mind. 

"Why are we stopping?" I asked looking at her, Tewksbury furrowed his eyebrows and continued to look at her. 

"Enola, whatever you're planning..." She looked completely in the zone and she started the cry up. 

"We're going to Basilweather, we'll find the maid that took the piece that will send Everleigh home and I know who is trying to kill you." After the two talking we came to the conclusion of it being his uncle. 

"Enola, we are all extremely lucky to have lived this long. And you want to drive us into a place where there is most certain danger?" 

"Sometimes Lord Tewksbury, you have to dangle your legs in the water to attract the bloody sharks!" Enola yelled at him, I looked at her like she was insane. 

"Why would we want to attract the bloody sharks!" He shouted back. 

"Good point." 

Trapped in Time ~Viscount Tewksbury~Where stories live. Discover now