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"Tell me what happened." He whispered holding my hand, I sniffled and let out a quiet sob and felt my lip quiver. 

"I had gone to the store and grabbed us some food, then as I was walking back from Lime House Lane the bowler hat man attacked me. He wanted to know where you where, but I didn't tell him." The look in his eyes was unreadable, he abruptly stood up and I looked at him worried.

"This is my fault." He whispered to himself, I stood up too and made him look at me.

"Tewks, no it isn't. Don't think that okay." I whispered to him, he sighed and shook his head. 

"It is! Everleigh, because I ran away for selfish reasons, it got you in trouble!" He exclaimed and I chuckled lightly. 

"You ran away because you want to be happier and there's a big chance that I would be in trouble even if I didn't meet you." He smiled a little bit and gave me a hug, I was shocked at first but hugged him back and then pulled away. 

"Now, let's see how damaged the food is." I joked and walked over to the basket, Tewksbury placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him.

"Sit down and rest. You've been through a lot." His tone was gentle, I nodded and sat on the bed. Tewksbury was preparing the food and I was looking at the new notebook. Tewksbury placed a plate besides me and I thanked him then started eating. 

"What else do you have in your time?" He asked and I looked over at him and smiled. 

"We have something called a tv, what it does is play movies and tv shows which are basically a whole bunch of moving pictures combined together." I explained and he looked like a child on Christmas. I grinned and continued eating, Tewksbury and I talked about his job at the flower shop and I just found it incredibly interesting to listen to him and his love for flowers. There was a silence, the only sound that could be heard was our breathing and occasionally the ring of the plates.

"When I was a a little girl, my parents took me to the mountains. On the mountains was this beautiful flower field, I remember running up to each flower and pointing to all the different types and exclaiming their names and their meanings. I grabbed a book and pressed one flower of each of the types, I gave dad the book for safe keeping and then a few months later when I asked for it he said he lost it. This belonged to my dad, he painted me holding every flower. He took photos and he must have painted them later on." I explained smiling at the memories, I handed Tewksbury the book. He took it and I watched a gentle smile for on his face as he turned the pages. 

"These paintings, they look beautiful. I've seen them before in the art museum not too far out of town. We could go tomorrow if you'd like? There might be some more clues." He suggested, I smiled and nodded, he smiled back and nodded. 

"I'll help you clean up." I said standing up and he nodded, grabbing his plate and I grabbed mine. We walked down to the small kitchen that was on the floor level and cleaned them. We then walked back up to the room and did the normal routine. I was lying in bed, all the paper and notebooks on the desk. I was tired and ready for a good sleep, I closed my eyes and relaxed feeling my aching muscles become less sore and tense. 

"Goodnight Everleigh." Tewksbury whispered. 

"Goodnight Tewks." I whispered and started to fall asleep. 

Waking up the next morning was not pleasant, I saw no sign of Tewksbury or his things. I was starting to worry, thinking he could've been taken in the middle of the night. But I saw a note and flower on his bed, I sat down on the bed and read over it. Tears formed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks, dripping onto the paper. I blinked a few times so I could see clearly again and focused on the handwritten note.

Dearest Everleigh.

I am awfully sorry we did not get a proper goodbye, but I feel that you will be safer without my presence. I cannot stand that you got injured because of my actions, I have taken all my things and have left the room for you. I couldn't bear to wait for you to awake and tell you this in person. I hope you can find your way back home. 


I sniffled and grabbed the flower, a small sad smile formed on my face. He left me a pink carnation, the pink ones mean unforgettable. I set it down gently and swiped the tears away with my fingers and took a shaky breath. I changed into an olive green dress that reached to my ankles. I didn't find the colour appealing but I would have to put up with it. I grabbed some dark brown boots, I tucked the flower behind my ear and grabbed my purse. I placed the box, the map and the money in. Deciding to leave everything else how it was and got ready to go to the museum. I was really hoping that the paintings at the museum could tell me something about how to get home. 

I looked at the room and sighed quietly, it felt empty without him and it was way too quiet. I missed his smile, his laughter and his witty remarks. This all felt cliché, I shook my head letting out a quiet laugh and spoke quietly to myself. 

"Stupid clichés." 

Trapped in Time ~Viscount Tewksbury~Where stories live. Discover now