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It was dark when we arrived at Tewksbury's mansion, something didn't feel right and I was starting to panic. I could feel my hands starting to sweat and my heart racing. We had stopped and stayed in the car. Tewksbury looked at Enola giving her a speech. 

"This is a terrible Idea. The closer we get, the worse this idea becomes." He said and looked at me for a brief moment. 

"Why are we doing this?" He asked and I hopped out to stretch and looked at the other two. Enola hopped out giving her own speech in return. 

"Unlike most well-bred ladies, I was never taught to embroider. I never moulded wax roses, hemmed handkerchiefs, or strung seashells." Tewksbury got out, his eyes staring into mine with a worried expression in them. We walked side by side as Enola walked a bit in front of us. 

"I was taught to watch and listen. I was taught to fight, this is what my mother made me for. Trust me! To find the answers we need. I know that tonight we'll  find the piece to finally be able to send Everleigh home and make sure you are truely safe Tewksbury. Just trust me." I smiled and nodded at her she returned the smile and looked at Tewksbury. 

"You don't know how to embroider?" We both rolled our eyes at the foolish boy and she took a deep breath before speaking. 

"You need to do this, we need to do this. We are doing this, come on." We started jogging to the front door, Tewksbury opened it and looked at the two of us before allowing us in. 

"Where are all the servants?" He quietly asked. 

"Welcome to the future." Enola answered quietly, it echoed in here and I got a shiver of goosebumps. I stood tall, trying to hide my fear and worry. 

"Mother?" He raised his voice and received no answer, we walked forward and I was getting more creeped out by the minute. We stopped by a table with a vase on it, I could feel the cold draught and hugged myself for warmth. 

"They know we are here." Enola stated and I walked over to a picture frame and heard a rifle cock, I dropped to my knees and covered my head as I heard Enola yelling and then looked at them to see they were okay after the gun was fired. 

"Run!" I shouted and they took off, I ran in the direction the gun was fired. Deciding to take them on, it was the bowler hat man. He glared at me and I grabbed a piece of the vase and threw it at him. He groaned as I got him the face and I took that as my chance to try and get him. I ran forward and tried taking the gun off of him but he elbowed me in the face and then harshly punched me, I fell to the ground and groaned as he stepped on me as he walked off. I got back up and started chasing after the man, I heard gunshots and screams. I yelled as I tried tackling him down to the ground, I could see them both hiding behind the armour and both looking at me concerned. 

"Why won't you just stay down!" He exclaimed as he shouted as he went to elbow me in the face but I turned quickly and he ended up hitting the brick wall. He yelped and growled at me, I took steps backward, hoping to come across a weapon. Anything to grab onto and swing at him, I felt my back press up against the wall and I could feel my heartbeat racing in fear. I don't get why he hasn't shot me yet, killing me right there. He was about to hit me but Enola jumped onto his back and started trying to take the gun off of him. It all seemed like a flash, one minute he's got Enola attacking him. The next he's knocked her out and has Tewksbury tackling him. 

I slowly crept for the gun, not wanting to make any sudden movements. I watch him pull out a chain and start choking Tewksbury, I placed the head of the gun on his head and spoke with venom. 

"Let go of the chain and I won't pull this trigger." I hissed, he didn't listen I was growing furious. 

"I said let him go!" I shouted and pushed the gun closer to his head and put my finger on the trigger. I heard the chain drop to the ground and Tewksbury drop to the ground. In a blink of an eye, the gun was no longer I my hand and I was screaming in agony. He had quickly turned around and yanked the gun from my hands and I think I might of sprained or broken my wrist. He hit me along the head with it and then hit me along the knees. I screamed once more, dropping down to the ground lying in a loose fetal position. He kicked me in the face and I had blacked out. 

Tewksbury's POV 

I woke up hearing agonising screaming, it took me a bit to register but I realised It was Everleigh. I looked over at her to see her getting attacked and then watched the man smirked satisfied at what he had done.

 I crawled over to her and saw blood on her forehead and nose. Her lip was cut and had bruises all across her, I started gently but forcefully rocking her to wake up. 

"Please, wake up." I whispered not wanting the man to come over, I could see her eyelids moving and then they opened fully. I let out a shaky breath of happiness and helped her sit up. I placed my hands gently on her face and apologised quietly as she whimpered in pain. I tucked some hair behind her ear and then with one hand as gently as I could grab her wrist. I didn't want to hurt her but I knew that by the sudden movement it would hurt. 

"We'll be out of here soon." I whispered to her and she nodded slightly. I saw Enola looking at the bowler hat man's body and saw she had taken him down. His head hitting one of the spikes that were pointing upwards. 

"Who do you work for!" She shouted, shaking him, her eyes filled with fury. 

"England."  He whispered and he took his last breath as he died. I looked at Everleigh, she had her wrist close to her chest and pain covering every inch of her face. I heard what sounded like the sounds of my Grandmother walking, I turned around to see her and felt utter confusion. 

"Grandmother?"  I asked helping Everleigh up and putting her behind me, I felt like something bad was going to happen and didn't want her to get hurt anymore. Enola stood a little bit behind us, watching my grandmother come closer. 

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