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"Maybe I could help you? Find a way to get you back to your own time." He suggested, placing the box besides him. I gleamed happily and nodded eagerly. 

"I would like that very much, thank you." He smiled and then walked over to the small desk in the corner. He placed the box on it and I walked over to him with the map and the small notebook. I opened the book and began reading the writing while Tewksbury was looking at the map. My eyebrows furrowed as I saw who it belonged to, Mum and Dad. I shook my head, quietly  making incoherent sounds. 

"What is it Everleigh?" Tewksbury worriedly asked, I looked up at him and spoke. 

"This belonged to my mother and father. I found it in the train compartment we were in, I just don't get why they didn't tell me." My voice cracked around the end, I sniffled quietly and then felt Tewksbury's arms wrap around me. I turned into his chest and let a few tears slid down my cheeks and soak his clothes. 

"Look at me." He hushed gently, I looked up at him and he swiped away my tears with his thumbs. He smiled softly and continued to hug me. 

"I may not know your parents. But they might of had a reason for not telling you, we'll get you there soon. So then you can ask them then." I nodded with a smile and he smiled then let go of me.  We continued to look through the notebook, starting to find some hints and clues on the box. 

It was silent, the sounds of the people outside were the only sounds. Tewksbury and I hadn't spoken in a while. We were too engaged into the research, I hadn't realised how much time had passed but my stomach growled loudly. Tewksbury glanced at me and I felt embarrassed my cheeks turning red.

He bursted out laughing and his stomach growled too. I giggled with a small snort and then covered my mouth with my hand. He chuckled lightly, stood up taking my hand gently and pulled me up. 

"We shall find a place to eat." He placed his coat jacket on and handed me my shoes. I thanked him and sat down placing them on. We walked out of our lodgings and then outside of the building. I smiled, this felt like a dream. I've always wanted to see the 19th century in person and I couldn't of been happier. No matter what has happened, Tewksbury and I entered a busy building. There were waiters, serving tables and high class people. I felt overwhelmed but shook it off, a waiter came up to us and gave us a disgusted look. 

"We have more money than the way we look. Do not assume." Tewksbury gave him the same disgusted look the waiter gave us and I just looked down at the ground. 

"Very well, follow me." Tewksbury tapped me lightly and I followed him to a table. We sat down and I looked through the menu and then back at Tewksbury. We ordered and then waited, I felt awkward I knew a little bit on how women acted in these times but not very much. 

"You are doing quite well, there's no need to worry about how to act." He gently said, I smiled and nodded then before I could say thank you he spoke once more. 

"What is it like in a restaurant back in your time?" He asked quietly but loud enough for me to hear. 

"Quite the same really, but it is not as defined by class and levels of money if that makes sense." I explained. 

"So, you could be a working class person and go to a place like this?" He asked, I nodded and sipped on my drink. 

"Yes, all these people here are rich I am assuming and for example some who works at a lodging, they could go to a fancy place like this back in my time." I explained some more, he sat back and smiled to himself. I raised an eyebrow and sat up straight.

"That sounds quite lovely." I nodded slowly and then he tilted his head to the side. 

"It's not lovely?" He asked confused. 

"I mean it is, but they still don't allow the homeless in. Most people look at them like they would now." He sighed and then nodded. 

After we ate, we took a nice walk around the square and then headed inside as we were both growing tired. Once we got to the room, I took my shoes off again and placed my purse on the chair frame. 

"Everleigh, there is a nightgown that looks your size in here." He faced me holding the nightgown towards me. I smiled and gently took it, I walked to my bed and he. Turned around with a redness in his cheeks. I took all the clothing off, sighing in relief as I got the corset off and then placed the night gown on. 

"You may turn around now." I said as I placed everything at the foot of the bed and some on the trunk that was already in the room. I sat in the bed and then laid down, the bed felt nice and didn't feel bad. I pulled the covers nearly up to my chin, Tewksbury had lied down in his bed and I turned my head to the side to look at him. 

"Thank you for accepting the fact that I am not from around here." I whispered and he smiled turning his head looking towards me. 

"You are very welcome and thank you for aiding me in escape." He whispered back to me and I smiled back at him. 

"You are welcome too." I closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep. 


Alright, everyone I hope you are liking the story. I did the maths and realised Tewksbury and Enola are in the year 1900 which is when the 20th century started. So I changed the century in the blurb but left all the words '19th century' as it is because I am pretty sure there would be no difference in how they would do things. That sounds confusing but whatever, once again I hope you are enjoying the story. 

Trapped in Time ~Viscount Tewksbury~Where stories live. Discover now