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I fall to the floor, spitting out my own blood as my crazy dad stands over me with a baseball bat in his hands. Apparently I hadn't cooked his food the way he liked it. Such a stupid thing but that's what I get beaten for, stupid things, stupid, isn't it?

"Are you listening to me! He screams and whacks me again, causing me to scream out as one of my ribs crack.

I roll over and gasp for air as he starts kicking me over and over again.

"P-please stop! I cry and realise my mistake, I spoke without his consent.

"No, no no!!!! I scream and he grabs me by my hair and drags me upstairs to my room.
He starts smacking and kicking me repeatedly until I feel like I'm about to pass out. Normally my wolf would heal me or my wolf would make me able to stand the pain better but the little coward hasn't shown up and I know I have werewolf genes because my parents are- sorry, were werewolves.

My mom died of cancer 10 years ago and when she died my dad went crazy because apparently when your mate dies that happens soo... I'm stuck in this place.

My so called dad told me if I tattled he would beat me until I wished I was dead, but what difference would that make because I already wish I was dead. Ha! Sucks to be me!

My vision blurs and I'm just able to make out my crazy dad's smiling figure stare down at me before kicking me and walking out, slamming my bedroom door shut.

I groan, pull myself on my bed and fall unconscious.


I wake up the next morning to my alarm clock ringing. I quickly shut it off and pull myself out of bed, wincing at my cracked rib and sore body. I pull on my black skinny jeans and a t-shirt with a white hoodie that had slowly turned Gray over the long period of time I had had it but, nevertheless, it was still my most favourite, most intact and better looking hoodie. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and sigh. I tiptoe back to my room and grab my makeup bag.

It contains:
Natural Eyeshadow
Lip gloss
And other things.

My dad didn't understand what all of it was for so he got me everything to cover up my bruises and cuts.

I apply some foundation, concealer, lip gloss and mascara to my sore, cut and bruised face.

I then limp carefully downstairs, making sure to only step on the steps that don't creak.

I make my dad eggs, bacon, beans and sausage for his breakfast and put it in the oven to stay warm. I look at it for a minute before opening the oven super quietly and spitting in it, I then stir it with the beans and place it back in the oven.

"What are you doing!!! A voice bellows behind me and I jump and flinch.

"Sorry? I ask, turning around.

"I woke up because of you stomping downstairs and came to find you leaning over my plate!!!

"Sorry that I woke you father" I apologise, keeping my eyes to the floor in case he though I was challenging him "and I was checking to see if the sausages were cooked properly".

"You better have been, if I find out that you've been spitting or doing anything with my food I will beat you so hard you won't ever be able to stand! He sneers, snatches the plate violently and storms out of the room.

"Yes father" I mumble.

When I hear the tv switch on I sigh a sigh of relief. I grab my bag, pull my hood up and head to school. Maths first period, great!

I rush into the school gates, keeping my head down and practically run to my locker. I open it and grab my books I'd need and before I could shut it someone comes up behind me and slams the locker door on my fingers, causing me to cry out in pain.

A high pitched laugh fills the crowded corridor and the chatter immediately quiets down to watch the scene unfold before them.

"Well well well, what do we have here? A high pitched voice cries out, the voice belonging to Libby Sadler.

I manage to open my locker and cradle my crushed fingers, whimpering in pain.

"Little Casey came back for more I see? Libby sneers.

I glare up at her with hate and rage in my eyes. I feel a stinging pain on the side of my face a second later and my head whips to one side and I realise she slapped me.

"Don't you dare look at me like that! She yells and punches me in the face.

I fall back against the lockers and just willed that this would end and she would just show me kindness and kill me already!

"You broke my nail you cow! She screams and slaps me again with the back of her hand and then holds it up, examining the 'damage'.

After a few more beatings the bell rings and she steps back grinning evilly "You better be glad you were saved by the bell or it would have been more than a bloody nose!

I get up after every one left and head to class. I made myself swear that I would never cry, I wasn't gonna give the person the satisfaction, no matter how hard the person beat me.

I walk through the maths door and feel stares peircing through me as I go to sit in my seat at the back. I don't listen the rubbish my teacher is saying and think to myself, my face throbbing painfully in the mean time.

'Obviously no one would help me, I'm just a nobody no one cares about. I've been told it before, by my dad, by Libby, by everyone in this horrible school!

When the bells ringing snapped me awake from the babble going on in my head. I jump up and rush out the room first and head to science.


Please don't judge the cover!

You can edit it and comment it if you want I don't really mind. I'll probably publish the next chap next week, depends on what you think?

Pls vote!!!

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