Chapter 2

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The first thing you did was get an apartment. It was a small cozy one bed one bath with a kitchen, living room, and a spare office. This was your new home.

As soon as the sun rose the next day, you went out. You wore whatever the hell you wanted. You also changed your last name to Maddox and bought a new phone so you couldn't be found. If he found you, he would kill you.

You bought some jewelry that consisted of everything. Ranging from rings, to bracelets, to necklaces, and earrings. You deserved this.

You also ditched his cream white Ford F-150 in some junkyard and upgraded to a 2020 solid red Nissan GT-R NISMO. It was your dream car. You got your love for luxury cars from your dad. Before he passed, being the only daughter, you two always talked about cars. He taught you all about them. How to change the oil, check tire pressure, etc.

After your shopping spree and trying to figure out where everything was, you went back to your apartment. You set the bags down and locked your door.

You set up a small security system that was connected to the front door. If any suspicious activity were to occur outside, it would shoot a message to your phone. If anyone broke in, an alarm would sound.

With all the money you spent in one day you needed a job. You set up your new rose gold iPhone and called around looking for places that were hiring.

Half an hour later of searching you finally found a possible job location.

"Okay! Let me write down your name and number." You held the phone up with your head and shoulder as you reached for a notepad.

"Thank you so much-I'm sorry, who am I speaking to again?"

"SSA Aaron Hotchner."

"Thank you."

"I'll be expecting you on Monday for an interview."

"Yes! Thank you again." You hung up.

You clutched your phone and smiled. You could have the opportunity of a lifetime at this new position at the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

To contain your excitement, you started to put the books you bought away. There were 2 bookcases in your small living room and they were immediately filled.

When you weren't able to work you escaped into reading. He let you have books only after seeing what they were about. But reading was amazing. A reader lives a thousand lives before they die. Someone who never reads lives only once. Reading gave you a place to go when you had to stay where you were, in that hell hole you despised calling home. It was your comfort place.

Shortly after finishing a book, you decide to go to sleep. It was late at night on Saturday and you needed your sleep for this interview. You showered and plugged in the small nightlight you purchased. After what happened, you couldn't sleep in the dark. You feared what hid in the shadows.

You went to lay on your back in the dimly lit room and imagined all the new possibilities now that you were free.

But that one thought always lingered in the back of your head. The thought that he might try to find you. As much as you tried to push it away, you couldn't. All the things he did, all the suffering, the pain... it couldn't happen again. You'll lose yourself, for good this time. You wiped away a tear and fell asleep.


Sunday morning was spent in the library. The library was two stories and ranged in any and every genre. It was quiet and less populated, that's the way you liked it.

You grabbed a coffee and some books and picked a table to read at. You weren't able to enjoy the library since you met him but now you could go out in public without having the need to hide yourself. You would always look over your shoulder however. Any sudden noise and you turned around. Any slight interaction and you flinched. Even when you escaped him physically, he was always there one way or another. Everything was a constant reminder.

You finished up your book on Ted Bundy and went to put it on the shelf where you found it until you saw a handsome young man in the row next to where you were. He was tall and had brown curly hair. Yeah, you were staring.
You looked away and smiled.

You went back to your table to finish your cup of coffee when he exited his row. He saw you and smiled. You smiled back, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from blushing. He was cute. The brown satchel he had rested on his side. You tried to keep from having your mouth hang open as you observed his sharp jaw, chin and cheekbones. On either side of his straight nose were two blazing hazel eyes.

You took in every detail. It seemed stalker-ish but what? You couldn't look away. You were mesmerized. You felt like you could be yourself, be safe around him. You haven't felt safe in years.

Suddenly, he quickly looked down at his phone. He put it to his ear and he moved his lips to respond. After a minute of listening he nodded and put it in his jacket pocket before running out.

You were a bit sad to see him go but you needed to as well. You possibly had a new job tomorrow.

You triple checked your front door to make sure it was locked. It was something you adapted to.

Settling in 10 minutes later, you planned out your outfit for tomorrow. Hopping in the shower, you quickly cleaned yourself and went to bed.

This was your chance.

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