Chapter 6

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Your first 8 months went as well as could be expected. You grew closer to your team, even JJ and Spencer, despite the encounters on the jet and at work.

One could say you and Spencer were friends. On cases you would interrupt one another and finish the others thought, things like that. You didn't label yourself as friends but he always watched over you. At first you hated it but after awhile it was nice. It helped you take off some weight that rested on your shoulders. You could stop looking over them so often.

You felt a sense of safety and security while being with the team. To the contrary, when you were alone at your apartment you would get constant reminders that he was still out there and he could find you any moment. You always slept with one eye open, even with your security system and locks.

The case you were working this week was what the media dubbed, the "Hillside Strangler." For the past 3 months girls ranging from the ages 12-28 were found dead in remote areas. They were assaulted before they were strangled to death. You and the team created a profile for a single offender and built on it.

You and Spencer were working to find out potential suspects using the profile. Hotch ordered that everyone go home and get some sleep but you offered to stay. This case was just different for you and you wanted to find this guy. Plus, you wouldn't be getting much sleep anyway.

When everyone left in the elevator, Spencer stayed behind. Your head was buried deep into the case file. You tapped your finger on the papers periodically when you got deeper into thought. Spencer walked up behind you. When you heard his footsteps stop behind you, you stopped the movement of your finger. He noticed that.

You turned around and saw him. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"I know you want to work on the case but you should really consider sleep." He tightened his grip on the strap of his satchel. You knew he was nervous.

"Spencer I'm fine, okay? We just need to find this guy. We've gotten nowhere and there are more girls dying, young girls." He bit his lip.

"Fine but I'm helping. Why don't we go to my apartment? We can get away from here and bring the stuff over." He suggested.

You bit the inside of your cheek. This could go one of two ways. One, you would both actually talk about the case and find a possible suspect pool or two, the conversation would strew in the other direction. You didn't like the odds but if you declined the next thing he would offer was for him to stay with you. Either way he wasn't leaving.

"Alright fine. But we're working on the case." You pointed your finger at him.

"That's what I said." He put his hand up.

You grabbed the files on your desk and he led you to his car.

The 10 minute car ride was silent. There was slight small talk about asking how the others day was. You stared out in front of you the entire time. In the corner of your eye you could see him glance over a few times.

He closed the car door and grabbed his satchel from the back. You threw your bag over your shoulder as he led you up the steps to his apartment. He unlocked the door and gestured you to enter first. You nod and keep your head down as you pass him. You went to his couch and saw him lock the door. You noticed he used one lock and no security system. He also never kept his window curtains shut.

You hadn't been anywhere else other than your apartment, work, the grocery store, and occasionally a convenience store down the road.

"You need anything?" He asked after bending down and grabbing files from his satchel.

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