Chapter 15

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It had been 2 weeks since you first made the decision to go back to therapy. You were glad you did because it helped, a lot. You weren't as afraid of him anymore and the nightmares stopped. You had been acting differently at work but it was good. You were your happy and outgoing self again. The team noticed and it made them all feel better.

This weekend Rossi had invited you all to his mansion for a party. You all had been so stressed with paperwork lately and it was a great way to let loose with the presence of alcohol and dancing.

Spencer walked over to your desk and leaned against it, pursing his lips.

"Hey uhm, I was thinking." You looked up from your computer screen. "Can I take you on a date? We haven't really been on one-" You put your hand on his and he stopped his upcoming nervous ramble.

"I'd like that." You rubbed your thumb on his hand to reassure him. A smile poked from the corner of his mouth and he walked away to let you finish your work.

Your focus was scattered, so filled with nervous anticipation was he, so excited, even giddy. Dates made you anxious. You couldn't sit still while your thoughts danced in infinite directions. You didn't know the "romantic gestures" or what was overstepping. Doug controlled what you wore, ate, and how much you drank. Why wouldn't Spencer do the same?

Later that night you drove back to your apartment to get changed. You opened your closet and browsed through your selection of clothes. It took you a good 10 minutes before you could pick an outfit, with the help of Penelope of course. You texted her about your upcoming date and she wanted all the details.

You settled for a white t-shirt and a blue denim skirt with a gray checkered blazer and a pair of black low heels. You also wore a new necklace you had bought when you first moved to Virginia but never had the courage to wear.

You looked in the mirror and smiled as you did different poses and looked at how perfectly the outfit looked on you. You put on light mascara and smiled again at yourself. You were proud.

You heard a soft knock on your door and you walked through the living room to look through the peephole. You saw Spencer and backed away to open the door. His eyes lit up when he saw you, making you smile and slightly blush.

He wore a formal yet refined outfit. He had a white dress shirt with the collar popped out under a gray wool blazer that had 2 buttons done at his mid torso. His dress pants were also a neutral matching gray. His blue tie and pocket square added a subtle pop of color. His leather belt was brown and matched with his dress shoes in a rich cognac hue. On his left arm he wore his all time famous aluminum cased 100 series manual-wind watch.

"You look beautiful y/n." He whispered.

"Really? I feel underdressed."

"You're perfect." He smiled. He extended his right arm out and you moved your arm around his, closing the door behind you. You've seen other couples do this before.

He walked you to his car and opened and closed your door for you. You watched him walk around the front of the car and saw him take a deep breath and smile before entering. You fidgeted with your necklace and he looked over and grabbed your hand. He locked his fingers with yours and swayed it back and forth.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"Somewhere special." Was all he gave you.

The anticipation, the wait, the butterflies. Was this how dating was? The anxiety building causing you to wonder where he was taking you and what would happen. Why were you so nervous? He always made you feel comfortable and safe but now? You were a nervous wreck. Like one wrong thing and you would ruin the entire night.

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