Chapter 7

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The knife was pressed against your throat. If you were to move, he would slowly apply more pressure. You learned that the hard way.

"Stay still for me." His voice was stern and hoarse. He ripped off your skirt that he said was "too revealing" and after it was off you started to squirm.

"Please just stop..." You teared up. He didn't respond. The only thing that came from him were heavy groans and pants. "Please.. just..."

"...please stop!" You shot up. You looked around and realized you were at Spencer's.


He ran in from the living room.

"What's wrong are you okay?" He stood at the foot of the bed. You pulled your legs to your chest.

"I'm fine.." your voice cracked.

"Don't lie to me. You're not fine, you woke up screaming."

"I'm not lying." You say defensively. His hazel eyes searched yours.

"Yes you are."

"Look, lets just leave it Spencer." Your voice was low. You looked over at the clock and saw it was 6am. "We need to get to work anyways." You said throwing the covers to the side and standing up.


You brushed past him and grabbed your things and set them by the door.

"Can you just drive me to my place so I can change."

He sighed before grabbing his satchel and his keys. He threw his bag into the back seat of his car, got in and slammed the door. You jumped when the door closed.

"Y/n, I'm your friend you can tell me anything. Can you please tell me what's going on?" He begged. You looked over at him and opened your mouth to talk but then closed it. He scanned your micro expressions but saw nothing. He turned the key and started the car.

The drive to your apartment was silent although Spencer's mind raced. He wondered what you had dreamt about. He wondered if it had something to do with what you told him last night, if it was "him." Whoever he was. He wanted to help you, he didn't want you going through whatever it was alone.

He pulled into the parking lot and you hopped out of the car. He noticed how long it took to unlock your door.

12 minutes later you ran out wearing black jeans and a blue crew neck. Your hair was put in a messy bun held with a pen because you didn't want Spencer to wait any longer.

"Sorry I didn't mean to take so long." You said putting your shoe on the seat and tying it.

"It's okay." He muttered. You could tell he was annoyed you didn't tell him about your nightmare. He cared about you and you cared about him.

Your mind went back to the day in the library. The first time you laid eyes on him. His tall, slender figure standing in the isle. Just his aura or whatever you call it made you feel safe, like him just being in that room made you feel safer. When you found out he worked for the FBI you concluded that's why. But it was more than that. It was him.

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone behind you honking. You were stopped at a red light stuck in heavy traffic. You looked ahead of you and saw the never ending line of cars. You sighed and licked your lips before speaking.


"Hm?" He glanced over when you didn't answer.

"I have nightmares..about him." You met his gaze. "I always watch over my shoulder and I feel like he's there. I feel like he's here and at any minute he'll take me." Your eyes glistened in the early sun and they began to tear up. He moved his right arm and rubbed your left.

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