Chapter 11

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"Bag up everything, I want anything and everything tested for fingerprints, DNA, anything." Hotch ordered.

"What do you think happened Hotch?" Derek furrowed his brows.

"I don't know. But what we do know is that two FBI agents have been kidnapped and we need to get them back." He walked outside to talk with local police.

"Their phones are over here, both personal and government." JJ announced.

"Okay so there was foul play, look at everything." Rossi motioned around the room. "It has to be multiple offenders right?"

"Or one offender." Emily butted in. "Probably had a gun and threatened them to keep them quiet."

"This has to be the stalker." Derek put his hand to his mouth getting deep into thought. "What was y/n talking about before she left last night? She said she could handle it on her own."

They shrugged their shoulders.

Hotch peered through the door. "Let's let the CSI's do their job and I want everyone back at the round table. We're taking this case."

They all hopped back into their SUV's and drove off.

8 hours into the investigation

"So what are we dealing with here? Yeah stalking leads to kidnapping, they learn their victims movements and everyday chores, but two FBI agents?" Emily cocked her head in confusion as she spoke.

Everyone sat at the round table trying to find out who this stalker could be.

"Garcia..." Hotch's voice was hesitant. "Dig into y/n's past. We need to find something that can lead us in the right direction." The team all looked up at him and then Garcia.

"But sir-"

"If you're not comfortable I can ask for another tech."

She sighed and shook her head. "It's fine I just..don't like doing things like this." She began typing away.

They all stood impatiently hovering over Garcia as she looked into your file.

"Sir... there isn't much on a y/n Maddox. It only dates to..." she clicked enter. "Two days before her interview." She turned around and looked at her confused team.

She swiveled around in her chair and started typing again. "There is however a y/n Brooks." She squinted her eyes and looked closely at the screen.

"So she lied to us about who she was?" Derek clenched his fists.

JJ rubbed his arm. "I'm sure she had a reason to maybe-"

"Ohh no." They all turned back to her screen.

"What is it babygirl?"

"Medical records, dozens of them." She pulled up your medical chart and began to scroll through the various reports and pictures.

The first few visits were small things like superficial bruises and cuts but over the years it escalated to black eyes, cracked ribs, broken noses, arm, and even your jaw.

"She had her jaw wired shut for almost 4 months..." Garcia's eyes began to tear as she read the report listed on you almost 4 years ago. She couldn't look anymore so she turned to face one of the many toys on her desk. Emily leaned in and read the reports aloud.

"...21 year old y/n Brooks was admitted to the hospital. She presented with a broken jaw and shattered knuckles. X-rays revealed the jaw was broken at the angle and condyle of the mandible. Patient was in a lot of pain and needed pain medications after surgery, husband refused.. poor girl." Derek covered his mouth and kept switching his weight between his legs. JJ began pacing the room.

"Husband..." Rossi murmured. They looked over.

"What is it?"

"It said husband but she never mentioned anyone in her past. The change of her last name to wipe her past, the hospital visits... this guy was abusing her." They closed their eyes and bit their lips. They couldn't believe you hid something like that from them. But yet, when they put themselves in your shoes, they would've done the same.

Derek finally turned back towards the screens.
"The stalker, what if it's her husband? What if he found her and saw how happy she was with this new life and that's his trigger. He wanted to bring her back to him, that's what these guys do. They break down women and brainwash them into thinking that what they're doing is right."

"Garcia where did she and him live?" She turned back to her computer, quickly closing the gruesome pictures of her close friend.

"Says she was born and raised in Missouri. They lived in an apartment complex."

"He could be taking them there. She's the endgame."

"Okay slow down." JJ stopped pacing and pushed her hand on her forehead. "If he just wanted y/n, why take Spencer? Why not kill him right there in the apartment?" They all looked around.

"Maybe he will kill him, just not yet." Rossi looked up. The room went silent.

"Let's go to Missouri."

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