Chapter 13

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The next thing you remembered was waking up in a hospital bed. You winced at the bright hallway light and turned your head away so you could fully open your eyes. Looking at the board you could tell it was the next day. You must've had surgery of some sort and slept most of the night into the next day, today.

When your senses heightened and you gained more control over your body, you smiled.

Hope beaded your skin like dew on spring grass. You felt it radiating in to soothe your blood. You were optimistic. Optimistic that the days could only get better from now on. There was still a flame in your soul, always burning for love, always ready to start a new blaze. You could close your eyes and feel positivity recharging your neurons until they rekindled and sparked. This new hope could never be extinguished. Spencer helped you with that.

Wait, Spencer! Where was he?

You slowly sat up in your bed, groaning, and looked around. No one was in your room. You grabbed onto the pole of your IV bag and just barely stood up.

"Woah woah kid, easy now." Rossi ran in and held onto your hand to keep you steady. Your knees lightly shook the longer you stood.

"Wher-where's Spencer?"

"He just finished getting treated, the rest of the team is with him now. They didn't want to bombard your room and overwhelm you when you woke up. We each took turns standing outside your room." He helped you sit back down. "I'll go get him okay? Just promise me you'll stay right here."

You slowly nodded. "I'll stay right here."

He smiled and walked out.

You exhaled as you moved yourself to lay under the covers. The room was a lot colder than it was a few minutes ago. You snuggled into your warm blanket and ending up drifting asleep to the heat.

You stirred a bit when you heard footsteps approach. Then a large hand placed itself on your shoulder. Your eyes flew open.

"It's just me." Spencer's calm and low voice made you relax.

You looked up and saw half of his head was wrapped in white gauze. A little blood had soaked through but he seemed fine, he was walking after all. "How's your head?"

"It's fine. They gave me these painkillers and I couldn't be better." He joked. "How are you?" His voice now serious.

You thought about that answer for awhile. "Hopeful." He smiled and sat next to you, grabbing your hand.

"In the trunk.."

"It's fine." You interrupted.

"I wasn't lying. I do care for you, a lot y/n." You looked into his eyes and they sparkled.

"Whenever you want-uhm if you want to, maybe we could try it? I mean we don't have to if you don't want to, we can be friends and not let it get in the way of work..." He nervously rambled on.

You put your finger to his mouth and he stopped talking. He chuckled and slightly blushed.

"We can learn together, right?" He nodded at his own words.

Emily emerged in the doorway and you both let go. "I know you want to leave but we'll stay here for a few days before flying back, the doctors still haven't cleared you both for flight." She read the situation and left quickly.

You heard her faded voice and the sounds of footsteps walking away. The team.

"Oh my god, did you call Garcia?" You realized she must've been left in the dark and had no clue if you both were okay.

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