Chapter 9

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"Who's Doug?" Derek asked.

Before you could answer, Garcia's computer went off, telling you she had gotten a notification. She ran over and the attention was turned over to her.

"Is Doug..." Spencer started to whisper before you shut him down with a firm and quiet yes.

"It's a file sir."

"Open it." Hotch demanded.

She clicked it and opened up pictures of women who had an eerily similar resemblance to you. Same height, hair/eye color, even weight was closely accurate. As she clicked through the pictures they got more gruesome. They were very detailed and graphic imagines of recent murders.

Garcia periodically hid herself from the pictures. By the looks of it, all these women were beaten, tortured, raped and eventually killed.

At the end, the final picture didn't have a body. In the same writing in the office around you, the picture read "y/n Brooks is next" Brooks was your old name, the one you thought you could escape from.

"He killed all of these women because of me..." You muttered. You shook your head and broke away from Spencer. You ran and quickly gathered your stuff.

"What are you doing?" Spencer asked. Hotch and JJ were seen in the doorway of Garcia's office.

"I-I know how to end this." You stuttered.

Spencer cocked his head. "Y/n, wait." Before he finished the elevator doors closed.

You got in your car and sped home. Your mind raced. Had he really killed all those women because of you? It was all your fault innocent women were killed.

You pulled into your parking lot and unbuckled yourself. You couldn't get out however. You started to cry and you screamed while slamming your hands against your steering wheel.

"Fuck!" You yelled.

Tears streamed down your cheek and you thought what's the point? You kept getting hurt no matter what. You stayed with him, he hurt you. You left him, he hurt other women. You being alive, he came after you. Would his devious stratagems ever end?

You got out of the car and slammed the door. You fumbled for your keys and unlocked the three locks.

You cried into your hand as you looked at the drawer of your nightstand in the bedroom. In there contained pills. The pills you thought about taking when you were with Doug. In your head, it became clear that killing yourself was the only way you could get away from him, for good.

You reached down and opened the drawer, making the pills roll down and knock against the end of the drawer. You picked them up and your hand started to shake. Your breaths became uneven as you observed the white and orange bottle.

A voice behind you made you jump. You turned around ready for a fight when you noticed it was Spencer. His eyes widened and he had heard the pills shake when you turned around.

"Y/n..." he put his hands up. "What are those for."

"I told you, I know how to stop him." Your grip tightened around the bottle.

"That's not the only way. Please. Don't do this. We can find another way we'll catch him." He took a few steps closer.

"Spencer, just stop. I..I can't live like this. The things he did, the constant fear..." You choked on your words. He wrinkled his face.

"I'm here to help. I care about you y/n, I always have." He knew he was losing you. "Re-remember the library?" You looked up. "I do. I saw you that day. You were reading a bunch of crime books sitting at the third table on the left." Your lips were trembling at the memory.

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