Chapter 14

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An uneventful week had passed since you were kidnapped by Doug. Sleep was nonexistent at this point but today, Monday, you could finally go back to work. You needed the distraction mentally. You were cooped up in your apartment for too long. It got boring staring at the same bland walls and watching the same shows re-run.

You fixed your security system and still had the multiple locks on the front door. You always thought Doug would burst through the door again and most definitely kill you but you knew he was well a ways away and behind bars.

You and Spencer talked a few times over your break. His head healed up well and he would also return to work with you. His headaches faded and he felt much better.

You woke up to your 5:30am alarm. You showered and changed into a baggier shirt and pants. You didn't want people looking at you. You didn't bother on makeup either. It wasn't like you could hide your dark eye bags with some simple foundation anyway.

You grabbed some toast and coffee before heading to your car. You set the mug in the coaster and started the car, listening intently to how it sounded starting up.

You pulled into the parking lot and checked the time, shoving your phone in your pocket before getting out and shutting your car door.

Before you could reach your desk, Hotch asked for you to talk with him in his office. You sat down and clutched the strap of your bag.

"I just wanted to know if you're okay, referring to the events that occurred last week."

Truly you weren't. He took away everything. He made you feel powerless. All the while Spencer had to watch. You had both gone to therapy but you only went for 2 days. You thought it was stupid and it wouldn't help.

"I'm fine." You flatly replied.

He didn't believe it but it wasn't his call. He could've forced you to go but even then that was wrong.

"You and Dr. Reid.." There it was, that one question. "You both went through something traumatic together. I understand why you've gotten so close with him. If you do take anything further, do as you wish, it's not my business but don't let it affect work."

"Of course."

He smiled and shook his head before dismissing you.

The rest of the work day was boring paperwork you all despised. You looked through the file on Doug. Every time you looked in those blank gray eyes you felt like a part of you floated away. It would return when you looked at something else. You got out of your chair and went over to Emily's desk.

"Hey, could you finish my work for me?" You held out the files on your case.

Without hesitation, she took them and began working on them.

"Thank you, I owe you."

"You owe me one answer." This could go one of two ways. "Are you okay? And don't give me the half assed 'I'm fine' because I won't believe it."

You sighed. "I'm just dealing with it I don't know what else to say Em. Things are just... different." She knew you were talking about reactions to certain things and the baggy clothing you wore.

"If you don't want to stay at your place you're always welcome with me and Sergio." You smiled.

You had met Sergio once. You offered to drive Emily to work one day and she invited you to her apartment. Sergio ran right up to you and rubbed against your leg. You bent down and pet him. You scratched his head and he purred.

"He likes you." She smiled. "That's Sergio by the way."

You never had a pet before but you kinda liked it. You thought of getting a dog before but Doug didn't like pets so it never happened.

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