Chapter 12

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You started to lose feeling in your legs and wrists from being in the same position for what seemed like days. You needed to get out of that fucking trunk sooner rather than later.

The whole drive was bumpy and you would occasionally hit your head on the side of the car when he would sharply turn or abruptly stop. He never stopped playing music. No matter if you screamed or kicked, the music would mask it. Spencer groaned as the wound on his head got worse.

"Is it your head? Are you okay?"

"I..I think it's still bleeding but it hurts like hell." He panted.

"!" You lay on your back and kicked the roof of the trunk.

"Y/n stop! You'll tire yourself out."

You started to chuckle but it would turn to a soft cry.

"Why did you come over? It would've just been me here." You turned your head to where you thought he was.

"Like I said earlier, I care about you y/n." You readjusted your head to the sound of his voice.

"It's just-"

The car came to a rolling stop. You then heard the engine turn off.

"This must be it." Spencer whispered. You quietly moved yourself to the end of the trunk.
Doug looked around before unlocking his trunk and pulling it up. Your feet met his chest, pushing him backwards.

"You fucking bitch!" He swiftly stepped forward and cocked the shotgun and pointed it at you. You instantly stopped your movements.

"That's what I thought." His smug smile grew. "Say anything, the other gets one in the head." He pulled you out of the trunk first. He then pointed the shotgun at your back and used you as bait to get Spencer out.

"Come out of the trunk or she dies."

You jumped at the contact from the barrel connecting to your back. Spencer slowly got out of the trunk without the use of his hands. In the sunlight, you could see how bad the cut on his head was. It was bleeding and probably infected.

Doug walked behind you and told Spencer where to go and that if he tried to run he would shoot you first and then him. He led you both into the place you never thought you'd see again, your old apartment.

You were in Missouri.

He led you both into the remodeled basement and redid your zip ties around a pole. He then left and walked upstairs, closing the door behind him and locking it. Your backs faced each other and you both stood looking straight ahead.

Your breathing started to pick up the more memories that flooded in.

"Hey hey, I'm here see." He wiggled his way around until he found your hand. He grabbed it with his and squeezed. "See? You're not alone."



You took a few quick breathes.

"We're at my old apartment, in Missouri." He thought for a long moment before speaking again.

"The team will find us. They have to."


"Hello my crime fighting friends, the guy you're looking for is Doug Scofield. He's got a long list of accusations from women claiming he hit them but none made it to trial. He's changed his name several times and doesn't use social media. It had stopped around the time.."

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