Chapter 10

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The night before...

Spencer had picked up his book and began to read aloud. You smiled and continued to play with his hair, lightly scratching his scalp.

Suddenly, 10 minutes or so later, the door was broken in. Your security system had been deactivated so you didn't get an alarm on your phone. Both of you jumped and jolted your heads at the man dressed in black holding a Winchester Model 1897.

"Don't you fucking move!" That voice was one you knew too well.

"Doug?" Your hands stopped its motions in his hair.

"Thought you'd never see me again huh?" His voice made the hair on your arms and neck stick up. Spencer quickly got to his feet but he was stopped when Doug jerked the gun forward.

"I'll blow your fucking brains out!" He threatened. Spencer angrily groaned and raised his hands up slightly.

"Stupid bitch, you can never escape me." He started walking towards you. You side eyed Spencer and he gave a slight nod. Doug went to reach behind his back, presumably for restraints, but you both didn't want to find out.

Spencer made the first move and charged him. He went for the shotgun and forced it up. You ran up to help him when he kicked Spencer back and quickly pushed you into the wall, breaking a picture frame. He was taller than you, slightly lifting you off the ground as he slammed your head back. He threw you to the ground before Spencer punched him. He stumbled to the ground and grabbed the shotgun again.

"Back the FUCK up!" He waved the barrel in your faces and you reluctantly backed away.
"You!" He pointed the gun at Spencer. "Back up to the couch now!" You could tell how frustrated he was. He didn't expect you to fight back.

He pulled out a pair of zip ties and forcefully grabbed your arms and tied them together. After that he pushed you to the ground and went for Spencer. Spencer made eye contact at you once again, signaling he was going to try and attack again. You mouthed "don't" but it was too late. He got up and almost made it to him before he brought the gun up and it met with his head. He was pushed back into the couch and it screeched as it ran along your wood floors. His eyes flickered to the back of his head.

Doug tied him up too and dragged him to the door. He stood you up and pushed you against the wall, your back facing him.

"Gotta make sure you don't have any weapons." He set the shotgun against the wall. You stiffened your back as he traced his hands up your left leg and right under your ass. You bit your lip as tears threatened to fall. Spencer looked over.

"Really asshole? Is that necessary?" He glared over at him.

"Have to take precautions." He continued down your right leg and stood up. He felt all around your chest. It made you sick that he used this time to touch you.

When he was done, he walked over and forced Spencer into the darkness of night and was gone for a good 4 minutes before returning to you. He pulled you up by your hair and you yelped in pain. He dragged you to his car and you put up a fight. You weren't going down easily.

It wasn't enough though. He pushed you into the trunk right next to a gagged Spencer.

"I'm surprised you fought back darling. I didn't expect that." He wiped his bloody lip. "It's time to go home now." And he reached down and wrapped a piece of fabric over your mouth and slammed the trunk closed.

The car didn't turn on until 5 minutes later. Although, that guess wasn't accurate. You couldn't tell how long you had stayed there.
The trunk was dark and the space was very limited. You tried to take a look around.

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