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5 years later...

You and Spencer got the house ready. Today would be your second child's first birthday. You were standing on a small step stool hanging up some streamers around the house when your son ran in from his room.

"Mumma look!" You turned around to look at the 4 year old boy outstretching his arms, holding a poorly wrapped gift box. His hazel eyes opened wide with excitement.

"Hey buddy!" A smile etched its way on your face. "Who is that for?"

"It's for sissy." You laughed. He would always call his sister "sissy" and never her name.

"Go ask daddy to help you with that." He excitedly jumped up and down and ran into your bedroom where Spencer was. You watched his curly light brown hair bounce as he ran.

You finished up the row of pink streamers when your son ran from the room, holding the same wrapped gift box. It wasn't far from what he had originally and you chuckled. Spencer emerged from the bedroom and he looked at you, raising an eyebrow.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around your legs. You smiled and locked your fingers in his long curls.

"You know I'm not good with arts and crafts." He mumbled looking up at you.

"I'm sure there's some equation in that brain of yours to help you with that." You smiled and twisted a curl.

He laughed, picking you up and spinning you around before placing you on the ground with a kiss.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I know." You teased, biting your lip.

You broke away from each other with the appearance of a knock on the door.

"Must be our guests." You said, walking over to the door.

Your curious child ran up with you, hiding behind your leg. You opened the door and Derek was the first one in.

"Uncle Derek!" A small voice yelled from behind you. He ran up and Derek picked him up.

"You're so big how old are we now 7?" Derek joked.

He giggled and shook his head no. He held up 4 small fingers and Derek smiled.

"Oh my god he is so cute!" Garcia squealed from the porch.

"Where's the birthday girl?" He asked.

You motioned for everyone to file in. Jack, Henry, and Michael accompanied your children while the adults prepared everything.

The stereo played music in the background and you all sat outside on different pieces of furniture. Rossi started to grill up some food while everyone drank wine.

The kids eventually wanted to swim so you changed them into bathing suits and they played in the pool with your supervisor. You bounced your daughter in your lap and she held tightly onto your hand. Her dirty blonde hair was grown to her shoulders.

Your son had called you over from the pool. You gave your daughter to Garcia, who sat next to you, and walked over. He whispered in your ear and you nodded.

"Hey Spence!" He looked over. "He wants you to do 'rocket ship'." He smiled and excused himself from everyone.

When he kneeled next to the pool edge you saw your son give you the signal and you pushed Spencer into the pool. His yell was cut off as he submerged under the water.

The team laughed and pointed from their places on the patio. Your son giggled and put his hands to cover his mouth.

When Spencer resurfaced, he ran his hand through his wet hair and shook his head at you. He wasn't mad but rather thrown off guard.

"You two plan that out?" He asked, a little out of breath.

You held your stomach as you laughed, not even realizing Spencer had gone out of the pool and swiftly walked to you. Before you knew it, he picked you up bridal style and playfully threw you in, avoiding the swimming children. It was his turn to laugh.

Rossi smiled and turned back toward the grill. He muttered something along the lines of "those two lovebirds."

Spencer got in and made his way over to you. You rolled your eyes when he got up to you. He moved a piece of your wet hair away from your face, cupping your cheek, and kissing you. Derek nudged Garcia's arm and she hit him.

Everyone, with the exception of Rossi, eventually joined you in the pool. You all messed around and splashed each other. Rossi's called everyone over once the food was ready.

You all ate outside trying to dry off. You all did but your clothes were still a little soaked. Spencer started a fire in the pit as the sun set and the cool night emerged.

You brought out the cake an hour later and everyone sang happy birthday before grabbing a piece. Everyone got a chance with the birthday girl before you put her in her bedroom and tucked her in for the night.

The music faintly played in the back and you all huddled close to the fire. The temperatures dropped and you moved closer to Spencer, laying your head on his chest. Stories, laughs, and saves from cases were shared over the fire.

The white shafts of daylight have passed, gone are the shadows of night. The dry tinder in the yard was lit and the flames rose boldly against the black sky. Before that great fire your skin glowed red, orange and gold. Every eye reflected the flickering, each iris containing a small picture of the bonfire before you. Yet it isn't simply the sight that had you mesmerized, so too has the crackling and the woody fragrance of smoke.

The moon came to the sky as a mother comes to sing a soft lullaby, to ease her children into a star-filled night.

You shivered and nuzzled your head deeper into his chest. He laughed and pulled something from his pocket. He held out your favorite beanie and you grabbed it and put it over your ears.

"You kept it? After all these years?" You held on the sides of the hat and looked up.

"Of course I did." He rubbed your arm.

You smiled and returned to the conversation. He squeezed you tighter and you warmed up quickly.

You looked over your heads and up at the stars. You looked at the bright brilliant pearls in the nighttime that sat as if cushioned upon black velvet.

Even the stars need darkness to shine.

I hope y'all liked the story🥰 it was definitely fun to write. I will be making more so don't worry your pretty little selves.

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