Chapter 3

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Your blaring alarm rang through the silent apartment. You flinched at the sudden moment of noise and slapped it off. You looked next to you expecting him to be there, but he wasn't. You composed yourself and got up.

You threw on the white t-shirt, black blazer, and pants you had planned. You applied light makeup.

You tried to get used to using the several different products on your own since you didn't have any sisters or anyone to teach you. He wouldn't allow you to wear makeup so your knowledge on it only went so far.

After doing your hair you turned around to seek approval when you realized no one was there. You awkwardly turned back around and looked at yourself in the mirror. God you needed to drop that habit.

You slung your black bag over your shoulder and grabbed your keys. You locked the door and got in your car. Hearing it startup in the morning made you smile. You loved how it sounded.

You drove to the BAU for your meeting.


"So I've gone over your file." You nod, moving to the edge of the seat. You were so antsy you couldn't sit still.

"You've had experience before? In Missouri it says."


"Why did you change your name? It says here your last name was-"

"Yeah my father divorced my mother and I wanted his name. Woman was a real scumbag." You lied.

He looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows. He was trying to read you. He couldn't find anything so he noted it and continued on.

"So, what brings you to Quantico?"

You could tell him the real reason, maybe he even sensed it, but you kept quiet. He was a profiler, but so were you. You hid every micro  facial expression that could've possibly given a clue about your past. You weren't proud of it, you didn't want anyone to see you as a victim and then treat you differently. You just wanted to work.

"Just a change of scenery."

He stared for a minute before looking back down at the file. His face always stayed the same, emotionless. He hid his feelings pretty well but you could tell he was strong and had definitely made some choices in the past he wasn't proud of. You noticed after certain questions he would play with his fingers. It was always his right hand.

He broke the long silence.

"Alright, as you can tell we are out on a case right now but as soon as it's over you're on."

"Wait so I got the job?" You practically jumped from your seat.

"Yes." He gave a slight half convincing smile.

"Thank you so much."

You went to shake his hand and he returned with a firm shake and a nod.

"Welcome to the team Agent Maddox." You smiled.

"Thank you again sir."

"I'll call you when I need you to report for your first day."

You nod again and walk out the door. You looked around at what you would call your next home for the upcoming weeks to months to years. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face as you entered the elevator. You readjusted your strap as the door closed.

That night you bought a bottle of wine to celebrate. You didn't have a great experience with alcohol in the past so you limited yourself to one glass. As tempting as it was you stuck with one.

You held the glass of wine in your left hand and your right hand held one of the many books you bought. It was an informational book on physical fitness, nutrition and health.

You finished the book retaining all of the knowledge it held and you cleaned the wine glass before heading to bed.

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