Chapter 8

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You skipped out on sleep. Even if you went to bed, your nightmares consisted of him, and if you stayed awake your mind was on him. You were always thinking about him.

You dug your fingernails into your scalp as your alarm went off. You listened to it for 3 minutes before getting annoyed and throwing it against the wall. You took a long hot shower to hopefully wake you up.

You grabbed a cup of coffee and stuffed the mysterious envelope into your bag before leaving. You didn't open it but your mind raced with all the possibilities it could've resulted with. Maybe it was him but what if it wasn't? Maybe you had overdue bills or something.

You tried to convince yourself it wasn't that bad. You couldn't be distracted at work, you had to separate personal problems from work. Today was working on leftover paperwork from the previous case.

You walked into the office and threw yourself into your seat and immediately began typing away. None of your chirpy good mornings or coffee deliveries, nothing.

Halfway through the day Spencer noticed something was wrong. You slightly slouched when you worked and you always put your hand to your head like it was hurting. He walked up and leaned against your desk.

"You okay? You seem tense." He offered you his coffee and you took it without looking up. "Did you have another one." His tone was lower.

You looked over furrowing your eyebrows at first and then relaxing them after understanding what he asked.

"Uh no, no I didn't." And you swiveled around to face your computer screen again.

"You didn't sleep." You curled your lip.


"Y/n! You know the average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night."

"Yes Spence, I do." You turned and faced him. "I think it's him." You whispered and pointed to your bag. He skeptically nodded and looked around. When the coast was clear he left into an empty office and you soon followed with your bag. He closed the door and shut the blinds.

"What is it?"

"So I went home yesterday and.." You set the bag on the table. "I found this wedged in between my door. It arrived the night I stayed at your place." You handed him the brown envelope. He examined it closely.

"Whats on it?" He asked.

"I don't know, I haven't opened it..."

He looked back at you. "You gonna open it?"
"No!" You shouted. "Sorry, no. Quite frankly, if it is that asshole I don't want anything to do with him."

"Well if it is that asshole then he's not getting away with it." You knew where he was going.

"We're not telling Hotch. I'm throwing it away and we're going to forget this even happened."
You started to walk out when he grabbed your arm. He quickly let go and you grabbed your bag and envelope and left. Derek watched you exit the office and Spencer follow shortly after from across the room. He chuckled.

"We have another case." Hotch announced from the catwalk. "I know we just wrapped up the Hillside Strangler but Wyoming requested specifically for our help. Conference room in 5 minutes."

You and Spencer looked at each other before heading into the room.

"Alright my crime fighting friends, Wyoming has had trouble with this guy, Hank Collins. He's 49, no priors but has a background of groping women. He just lost his job to his female CEO and he brutally raped and attacked her."

Rape cases. You always had a soft spot for those. Something about them made a pit form in your stomach. Shockingly enough, there are evil, twisted people out there who would do things like that. Something like that scars the victim forever. You bit your lip and kept your head down.

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