Chapter 18

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"There was a murder in Snyder County, Pennsylvania." Garcia clicked the remote and started the presentation.

"Troy LaFerrara was murdered last night. He was a Port Trevorton and was found in Sunbury. Cause of death was blood loss and the laceration around his neck suggested he was strangled." She made a disgusted look when the police crime scene photos flashed.

"Police have a small suspect list and requested we drive out there to catch this unsub."

"Alright, wheels up in 30 everyone." Hotch stood up and was the first to walk out.

You went to your desk and started to gather your things. JJ and Emily walked over, a slight smile painted on their faces.

"Hey y/n." You turned around and glanced at them both.


"You've been a lot happier lately, what's up?"

You were happier. You had the life you always wanted. You would sadly have to skip your birthday because of the case but it was okay. You weren't big on celebrations either, and the team knew that from last year.

But right now, in this moment, you weren't excited over that. It was something else.

"Yeah I've just been feeling great." You partially lied. They didn't believe you and as their mouths opened Spencer wrapped his arm around your neck, saving you from them.

"Mind if I borrow her for a minute." He didn't let them speak before pulling you away into an empty office.

"Oh my god you saved me, thank you." You exhaled.

"Anytime." His voice got low and seductive. He leaned and towered over you, eyes wandering everywhere. Your heart almost stopped beating. Holy shit could this man turn you on in an instant.

He lowered his lips right by yours and smiled. He kissed you. It was hungry yet hot and overpowered all of your senses. You arched your back into him and he picked you up and put you on a counter.

"Sp-Spencer, we're at work." You muttered as he kissed down your neck. You reluctantly grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him away.

"We have a case." He went to speak and you put your finger to his mouth. "No." You jumped down and he rolled his eyes, biting the corner of his lip.

"Fine." He crossed his arms and let you exit first. Him following shortly after.

You all vested up and went to the SUV's. It would be a long 7 hour drive so you went in Derek and Emily's car. You knew it would've been a great ride, and it was.

Spencer got in next to you and Emily kept bugging Derek to turn the radio on. You eventually chimed in and he got annoyed and finally complied.

You both jammed out to every song that came on and the boys were getting very irritated.

After you were both out of breath, you finally let him turn it down.

"You girls need some lessons."

You and Emily both scoff and hit Derek across the arm. Spencer laughed and figured it was best to stay quiet.

You arrived in Pennsylvania and immediately set up in the precinct.

"Maddox, you're with me. We're going to the morgue. Reid and JJ start on the profile, Dave and Emily talk to locals see if they know anyone. Morgan go visit the crime scene." He ordered.

You all nodded and left.

You and Hotch drove to the morgue making small talk. He had always checked up on you after you told him about your choice to go back to therapy. It wasn't one you were fond of but it was for the best.

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