Chapter 5

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"Come on just take another sip." He gripped your chin and angled your head up. His open hand held a bottle of alcohol just above your face so you could see it. The corners of your eyes watered up as he tried to push him off.

"Open up!" His tone was more harsh. He kicked your right knee and you fell lower to the ground. As you opened your mouth to groan in pain he began pouring the alcohol down your throat. It tasted like water with a burning, unpleasant, and mildly bitter flavor.

He paused a few times making sure you swallowed. After he poured the entire bottle down your throat, he threw it at the wall, shattering on impact. The noise made you jump.

"Now is the real fun."

He reached for his belt and began to take it off. His twisted grin grew as he dropped his pants. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and...

Your eyes snapped open. You were covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding, looking around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror had followed you. You got up cautiously, shivering, and rubbing your head and eyes to fully awaken yourself. No one else occupied your apartment. You sighed and leaned against the wall.

Another fucking nightmare.

You thought that by escaping him, everything else would leave too. You didn't expect it to follow. You covered your mouth as you softly cried.

It had been 2 weeks since your first case. You just started getting a little closer to everyone but you somewhat distanced yourself from Spencer and JJ because of the whole jet incident. You wouldn't be able to keep it up long however as it was already slowly diminishing.

Your phone buzzed from in the bedroom, making you jump. You threw your head towards the noise and held your beating heart as you ran to your phone. It was just your alarm. Your alarm to wake up for work. Had you really woken up earlier? At this point you didn't know what sleep was.

You quickly showered, changed, and grabbed your packed go-bag and slung it over your shoulder. You double checked your security system and locks before driving to work.

Upon reaching the building, your car rumbled and echoed into the quiet Tuesday morning of Virginia. Your revs quieted when you pulled into the parking lot. You turned your music off and fixed your aviators before exiting the car. You swung your keys around your finger as you started to walk inside when another car pulled in. Naturally, you check behind yourself and see Derek emerge from the car. He was doing his daily huge grin.

"So that's you roaring down the streets huh pretty lady?" He took off his sunglasses and squinted his eyes to look at you.

"Yeah it is." You chuckle, slightly embarrassed.
He looked at your car and admired its features.

"Damn Maddox. The chassis, the interior, I love it. You got her all tuned up." He walked around your car twice before stopping in front of you.

"Thanks Morgan." You laugh and nervously brush a piece of hair out of your face. "Come on, we're going to be late."

He took one last look over his shoulder before walking in with you.


"This guy kidnaps women and they are later found in trash bins scattered across the town."
Garcia flicked through different images on the big tv, slightly wincing as the images got gorier.

"Judging by the bruises they were most likely beaten before their death, several days beforehand actually, so this unsub must hold them somewhere and torture them first." Spencer looked up from the file.

"Alright, Maddox, JJ, and Reid you three stay here and work on the geographical map, find out why there, what's significant about those spots. Morgan and Prentiss go to the crime scene, take a closer look see if you can find anything. Me and Dave will interview the family." Hotch ordered in a stern tone.

Since you weren't leaving anytime soon, you went to get a new cup of coffee. You began to dry off a coffee mug you found on a rack with some paper towel.

"Hey y/n!" Spencer's sudden and loud voice made you jump. You dropped the mug into the sink, thankfully not shattering. You turned around and saw his worried look. He immediately took a step back and put his hand up.

"Sorry I didn't mean to.."

"It's fine." You quickly shot out. You swung around and picked up the mug, resuming your drying process as if nothing happened.

"Y/n... that's the second time." His voice was quiet and concerned.

"Spencer, it's fine, like I said. I'm fine." You were annoyed for the upcoming questions.

"Are you sure? You've always been pretty distant from us and you have closed yourself off-"

"Reid." You turn around, your tone flat and serious. "I told you, I'm fine, no need to try and profile me."

You quickly poured another cup of coffee without saying anything. When you turned around to leave he opened his mouth to speak but you put up your hand, telling him to be quiet. You swiftly brushed past him and he watched you go to your desk. JJ walked in and saw his expression.

"There's something she's hiding from us." JJ looked over at you, now burying your head into the case file.

"If there is, she hid it well."

Spencer shook his head and returned to work on the case.


You ended up catching the unsub before he could kill his next victim. He dumped them in trash bins because that was how he saw women and he told you that that's all you were, trash, scum. You would scoff as you pushed him into the holding cell.

"Well trash is way better than the place you're going." You remarked before leaving back to the suv.

Morgan and Emily were waiting for you at the car. They both took their positions in the front and you opened the door to the back and saw Rossi on the other side. You smiled as you sat down.

"Hey kid."

You buckled up before responding.

"Hey Rossi."

"Nice job on the case today." He complimented.

"Thanks." You gave him a small smile before turning your head to the window.

It would be a hour long drive back home. Derek and Emily would bicker back and forth on god knows what with Rossi chiming in for a few seconds before they shut him out and continued. You rested your head against the window, exhausted, and yawned. You didn't realize you closed your eyes until the car came to a sudden stop. You were back at the BAU.

Everyone grabbed their belongings and went to go home. As you exited through the glass doors you felt eyes on the back of your head. When you turned around in the elevator you saw Spencer and JJ move away from each other. You knew they were staring, it was blatantly obvious. You quickly pushed the first floor button a good 5 times. You sped off home wanting to avoid any and all conversation.

They were getting skeptical and it wouldn't be long until they find something.

Or maybe he would find you first.

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