Chapter 4

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"You think you can escape me?" The grip around your waist tightened. "You're mine and no one else's." He aggressively kissed you. You tried to turn away but he made you face him. He repeated himself.

"You think you can escape me bitch!" He raised his right hand and went to slap you across your face.

You shot up before his hand met your face. Your breathing quickened as you scanned the room for him. He wasn't there and you wiped some of the sweat off your forehead as you brought your knees to your chest. The clock on your right read 4:32am. You weren't supposed to be up for another 3 hours.

You grabbed your legs and started to rock back and forth, sobbing and gasping for air. You couldn't escape from him.

After 10 minutes of reliving that hell of a nightmare, you gathered yourself and went to the shower. You hadn't gotten a good 8 hours of sleep in awhile. You thought that by going to sleep you would be safe, protected, but when the nightmares started your whole imagery you had of it disappeared.

You continued on throughout the rest of your day, ignoring what you had woken up to.


Hotchner called you on Thursday to inform you they had wrapped up their case. He wanted you to report Friday so you could meet the team. You agreed.

You woke up Friday morning and got ready. After taking a quick shower, you put on a white open blazer and paired it with a white blunge bodysuit that was tucked into your jeans. You looked at the jewelry on your dresser before leaving your bedroom. For some reason you couldn't put any on. His words were drilled into your head.

You put on your new white rubber shoes and grabbed your keys. You made sure your security system was on and you locked the door and got in your car.

You drove to work occasionally looking around at other cars while stopped at a red light. Most people were looking at your car I mean how could they not. Your red car stuck out in the midst of the black, white, beige, and gray cars. You smiled behind your aviators and pushed on the gas when the light turned green, leaving all the other cars in the dust. Yeah, you could be a bit of an extra driver.

You pulled up to the building and checked the time before shoving your phone in your pocket. You kept your head low as you walked in.

Hotchner met up with you in the elevator. He also told you you can call him Hotch.

The place was warm and welcome as you stepped through the glass doors, finally removing your aviators. You went through and Hotch introduced you to Morgan, JJ, Emily, Rossi, Garcia, and eventually Reid.

He greeted you with a chirpy "Hey!" Before returning to his book. He looked so familiar.

Then it hit you.

He was the guy you saw in the library. The strong jaw, the curly hair, the same satchel that lay at his feet. Your desk was in front of his.

"Do you go to the library Reid?" You asked out of the blue.

"Yeah occasionally. Mostly when I don't have work, why?" He said without leaving his book.

"It's nothing."

You set your bag on the ground and looked around and smiled. This was yours now.


Your first case would start Monday.

"Good morning my loves, I'm sorry to wake you so early this morning." Garcia started.

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