Chapter 12 - News

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

I see Elliot walk off on the phone and I see him smile slightly but it doesn't look like a happy smile, he hangs up and comes back over and hugs me.

Elliot - I'm not the dad.

I give him a smile and hug him back tightly.

Callie – It will be okay, I know you wanted to be but we can get her out of that women grasps.

Elliot – I wanted it but only because I'm worried about how Kathleen is treating her. I know it sounds horrible but I'm kind of glad I'm not because I want to start a fresh and have a family with you. Is that selfish?

Callie – Definitely not selfish, I understand but also know I would of supported you no matter what and loved her as my own but we need to get her out of Kathleen grasp, maybe find her real dad if he is a good guy.

Elliot - I'm going to go over to the house now to see them and you never know the real dad might be there.

Callie – Do you want support and back up? Bring the guys if we need to?

Elliot – I would love you to be there, she seems to like you so if it kicks off you can take her outside if you don't mind?

Callie – Of course but I'm bringing Paul and Logan with us even if they stay in the car, if he real dad is a good guy then it's fine but if he isn't we might need back up.

Elliot – Always thinking like a sergeant on a mission even when your on holiday.

Callie - It's been drilled into me plus we could get called back anytime or get call on a mission here in the UK, even though we live in Wales we could get called to travel to London or Scotland who knows. We always have to be prepared that's what my dad taught me.

Elliot – And he taught you well angel.

He gives me a quick kiss and then we head over and explain to everyone the results and that we are going over to the house now. I didn't even need to ask Paul and Logan stood up right away and said they were coming with us which made us all laugh.

I'm really missing having all the team here, I've got so used to having Jonas, Oliver and Axel around they always made me laugh, definitely Jonas and his stupid jokes. When we got back to camp after being taken I sat down and spoke to him privately and told him I know he likes boys and that it was okay to come out if he wanted to and no one would judge him but I also said it was okay if he wanted to not say anything.

So 2 days he finally told everyone when we were all sitting in the café and I was so proud of him. Everyone was so happy and understanding like I knew they would be and my dad hugged him and told him he was proud of him. My dad views everyone in our camp as his own children, he loves us all and that's why I look up to my dad so much because he has so much love to give.

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